Grapefruit facial masks area unit a wonderful rejuvenating agent for all skin varieties. And not astonishingly. After all, grapefruit could be a leader within the content of nutrients. It contains carbohydrates, natural sugars, organic acids, fiber, iodine, zinc, potassium, calcium, phosphorus. Its composition includes several vitamins. just one fruit will offer the body with a daily dose of vitamin C.
Use of grapefruit for the face
The fruit helps to resolve several issues that concern girls of all ages, namely:
- It helps to smooth wrinkles.
- Tones the skin, normalizes the secretion of secretion, fights inflammatory disease.
- Sats the corium with wetness, normalizes the water balance.
- Citrus contains a slight bleaching impact.
- Brightens freckles, pigment spots.
- Restores natural scleroprotein and scleroprotein.
- Included within the alimentation B9 and B-complex vitamin combat inflammation.
- Potassium contributes to the concentration of wetness in drawback areas.
- Grapefruit pulp helps in rejuvenate the weakening skin of the face.
To prepare grapefruit masks to use juice, pulp, peel, citrus essential oils. they have to be checked for tolerability, therefore the suggests that will cause irritation.
Indications to be used
- The presence of deep wrinkles.
- Pale skin.
- Traces of fatigue when stress, sleepless nights.
- Flaking.
- Lack of vitamins and alternative nutrients.
The use of grapefruit masks is contraindicated within the following cases:
- Sensitive skin is liable to inflammation.
- Skin harm, scratches, cracks.
- A large range of pimples, acne.
- Hypersensitivity of the fruit.
Before victimization grapefruit masks, it's suggested to perform Associate in Nursing hypersensitive reaction take a look at. Apply a little quantity of the merchandise to the carpus, or elbow bend, and hold for 15-20 minutes. If redness or irritation doesn't occur, then everything is ok. Grapefruit product is often applied. If their area unit red pimples, it's necessary to settle on an additional appropriate suggests that.
Grapefruit facial masks: recipes for beauty
To lighten the skin
There area unit many ways to lighten the skin:
- Grapefruit cleanse, withdraw skinny circles, lay down on the skin, rest. Hold for 15-20 minutes.
- Prepare natural fruit crush (not from the shop), dive into it sunray widow's gauze, squeeze slightly, placed on your face for 1 / 4 of Associate in Nursing hour, when laundry with cool water.
- Juice citrus within the quantity of 3 tbsp. l. mix with one tablespoon. Yeast, stir, heat in an exceeding water tub for one minute. Apply the merchandise to the skin, hold for twenty minutes, when a short while washes off the remains of firmly brewed tea leaf. Wash with cool water.
To normalize oily skin secretions
- The grapefruit ought to be bare-assed off and therefore the partitions removed. Mash with the fork to a puree condition, mix with 2 tbsp of bitter milk, place in an exceedingly cool place, sit up for one hour. Apply the merchandise equally on the skin, rinse with water when half-hour.
- Prepare citrus juice, take 45-50 cubic centimeters. Apply the mask munificently on the skin, hold for 10-15 minutes. Dip the sponge in camomile simmering, take away the remains of the mask. the merchandise has an Associate in Nursing antiseptic impact, narrows expanded pores.
Moisturizing mask
The composition nourishes, moisturizes, saturates with vitamins and minerals. to 1 tbsp. l. fruit crush adds one tbsp. liquid honey, one ingredient, all mixed to a solid mass, unfold equally on the matter surface, when 1 / 4 of Associate in Nursing hour to scrub water at temperature.
Vitamin mask
To prepare an alimentation product, you wish to organize the subsequent composition: One tbsp. citrus juice mixed with an equivalent portion of homespun cream medium fat, one whipped to foam ingredient. combine the ingredients, apply for quarter-hour on the skin, when a short while wash with running water.
Refreshing mask
Components enclosed within the direction refresh, tone, nourish and normalize the water balance. Take 3 tablespoons of fruit crush, four tablespoons of oatmeal flour, add 3 tablespoons of sliced parsley herbs, combine the ingredients, apply to the skin, keep twenty -25 minutes. withdraw the water at temperature.
Grapefruit facial mask from wrinkles
To get eliminate skin peeling, smoothing wrinkles it's necessary to use the subsequent composition: Take one tbsp fruit crush, add one tbsp of edible fat, one tbsp of fatty cream, egg yolk, a bit of rye bread crumb. combine the ingredients, rub well, apply the mixture to the face, hold for 15-20 minutes. wash the remains with water at temperature.