On the topic of bikers and biker culture, written a lot of articles, each worthy of reflection and statements, their own vision, facts and speculations. Disputes will be endless, the theme is very extensive and diverse, but it is only at first glance. I will introduce my understanding and reflections. All that will be written here is only my vision, you should not tie it to the culture as a whole, and use it as a reference, shouting that everything is wrong or true.
Many people's misunderstanding of bikers and biking is based on a wrong idea of the topic from the very beginning. Opinions and judgments consist of a superficial, often artificially created image, such as rumors, observations, appearance and black PR of a biker as a bandit and murderer, in many films, especially in the West. This is true for ordinary people.
Those who have decided to connect their destiny with a motorcycle perceive the phenomenon of biker culture in a very peculiar way. Most often, young people, as well as of any age, but to a lesser extent, take a bite on the outer form. Beautiful motorcycles, accessible party women, admiring the views of friends and neighbors. For their understanding, only the external manifestation, roe deer, skull chains ... cheap pontoons, pompous aggression and their own significance is available. The absurdity of their hobbies comes to the comical, helmet-bound hair, a huge number of rivets on a dryer, always hanging chain, often allegedly holding the keys to a motorcycle, or a powerful outfit of the most expensive protection, the most fashionable motorcycle companies. Motorcycles, from a specific piece of junk, to sophisticated foreign cars, cost many kilobucks. Most often, the hobby of such people ends with careful trips to a place where you can show off and back to the garage, where the dust is in the eyes of guests, and the statement of beating yourself in the chest that he belongs to the biker community. They think that by wearing a robe and borrowing a motorcycle, they automatically become bikers. Unfortunately, this type often dies in accidents, trying to show off in front of the public, or ignorance of elementary norms of behavior on the road. For many of them bike culture is expressed as "I am involved". There are exceptions, getting hooked on a motorcycle on the pontoon, a person gets addicted, finds a special buzz and meaning in motion, thinks about the meaning of life and strives to find like-minded people, finding parties and joining clubs.
Another type can be called militant. Having seen enough militants with the participation of motorcyclists, thinking that you can live like in Hollywood, sneeze at the laws, behave like a boorish because he is on a motorcycle and so he should be afraid. Usually they are always alone, or there are a few other people of the same orientation, organized skeleton, which is always turning into ordinary criminals. For them, bike culture is perceived as an environment of existence, and is rejected as unacceptable, while the community of bikers rejects such people as an unacceptable form of existence in culture. Externally, they are little different from ordinary motorcyclists, carelessly sloppy, lonely because arrogant, sulfur and invisible. Duration of existence on a motorcycle of this type is not great, death in showdown and imprisonment for violation of laws.
The next type is called benches. People who are eager to ride motorcycles, but do not have the opportunity to do so. They actively participate in different gatherings, walk on zucchini, talk a lot about biker culture, understand little in this question, but are stuffed with terms and knowing literally everything about different events of motor life. They often argue about the philosophy of movement, are active and irreconcilable in the opinion of their own understanding of life on wheels, non-memeas. It happens that they manage to get a motorcycle, it would seem that the theoretical basis should help them to easily join the two-wheeled community, but the discrepancy between what they want and what they want and what they really want makes them refuse to ride, and to sit on the skate of theorizing. In these cases, the benchkeeper becomes aggressively active in matters of biker culture, the opportunity to travel independently, gives him confidence in the correctness of his own conclusions. Up to ridiculous unjustified conclusions, without experience, are repulsed from communication with bikers, and the person finally leaves the bike culture, becoming a home despot, or drinking alone.
Continued in the next part...