Мashenka noticed an exaggerated state of comradehood.
- We are there.
In response, Labrador tried to explain:
- I can smell them... those smells...
A normal cat would have said something like, "What a fool to rely on. Take an example from me. I know the direction. But Masha wasn't ordinary, and that's why she was praying in the noblest possible way:
- We will come closer. Then you will smell better.
But it turned out to be not so easy to fulfill this good plan. The first cars and the first people appeared. Crossing the road became dangerous. However, that was exactly what we had to do.
Poor Rex felt worse and worse. He was starving. He was very thirsty. And that same smell wasn't almost discernible anymore. What is it: he clearly pointed to the direction: the one that was blocked by the roaring stream of cars. And we had to wait until the evening.
The animals are perfectly able to feel the mood of others. Of course, the mood of people is better understood, because it is very important. Think for yourself: how much is it necessary for a poor dog to know whether the mistress or the owner is angry and if so, in fact, or fake? But especially clever - and Rex and Masha just like that - also know how to recognize the mood of the other four-legged, although with people it turns out, I repeat, better.
That's why Masha offered to settle in for a day's rest and not to be distracted by anything but sleep. There was a place for this on the construction site. To call it a refuge would be wrong. It did not protect from anything or anyone else. This small (cat's height) stack of boards was only useful, that the danger was noticeable from a distance. However, there was no particular danger. People walked on the court but were busy with other things. And cars drove around the playground, but far away. It would have been possible to sleep, but the dream did not go into a tired dog's head. Rex was tormented by the need to stay in this place, while it would have been possible to run to his beloved homeland (yard) for one good break. Rex even took advantage of Mashenka's peaceful sleep and whining - very quiet, almost silent. A man probably wouldn't have caught it. But what to take from people: they can't even hear, and it's embarrassing to even mention the human nose.
According to human notions, the evening has come. By animal standards, it was still far away, because the sun was still shining and even warm. But the two-legged, as we know, do not live by the sun, but by the clock. The flow of cars is a noticeable verse.
Masha opened her eyes and asked carefully:
- Shouldn't we be going?
Rex thoughtfully moved his mustache. In his opinion, these dangerous wheels were too many. On the other hand, he wanted to go home unbearably.
- Well, let's see...
They were not allowed to see it.
- Dad, look, a dog with a cat!
There were two of them: a tired dad and a cheerful girl. Judging by the smell, she just ate ice cream. Unfortunately, the smell of this delicacy was all that remained.
But the girl also turned out to be memorable:
- Dad, I saw a missing person's notice. There was a dog with a cat missing.
My father showed signs of interest.
- Where did you see him?
The girl waved her hand.
- There. It was glued to the pole.
- And what was their name?
A blushing face with freckles was embarrassed about it:
- I don't remember. I just remember that he was black, and she was gray. And then, Dad, you see, there are two of them. Let's look for an ad. Mom won't be gone before nine anyway.
My father looked around with his eyes. Neither Masha nor Rex understood what he was looking for. The man was looking for the number of the house on the street to tell the owner of the animals that he had seen them there.
But the girl was directly fountaining ideas:
- Dad, let's take them home! And then we will call you!
- Do you remember the phone?
The girl got a little tired, but immediately became alive again:
- Then let's go to the announcement! And then we will come back and take it!
The travelers had very different plans. They had already learned not to trust people on the move. And the main thing is that there was a glade in the stream of cars. And they rushed into it.
The dog and cat had already fled to the back of the yard when the man who had clearly been given the excitement of his daughter told her:
- Have you noticed how this black man sniffed the air?
- Nope.
- I'm sure he smelled the way home. I know the smell.
Sometimes people are still guessing.
Chapter Fourteen, in which Masha allows ungrateful expressions, and Rex becomes completely wet
The yard they passed through was almost unknown. Almost: this is because some notes of his smell still met the black tracker. But the smell that was in the air led on. Now Rexia was determined not to miss the trail. He was even moving forward, despite his thirst and hunger.
Mashenka had to do a lot of worse. The dog took the tempo that was too fast for her. She even meowed softly, saying that it was difficult for her to breathe, and her feet were tired of the more ordinary. Rexick turned his face to his girlfriend:
- We're not far away!
- I'll get there, just a little slower.
Labrador proudly raised his ears (as much as possible for this breed).
- I won't leave you!
The dog spoke sincerely. He felt like the leader of the pack at that moment, even though the pack was just a cat. And the leader did not abandon his own.
Of course, the travelers did not count the yards they had been going through. They had no time. A man would say for sure that there were six of them.
- We are not far from here! Af!
Rex wasn't deceiving. This yard wasn't where the house was, but the smell was so familiar, at least because the dog walked there many times. The dog's faithful soul was overwhelmed with delight. And Rex barked.
Continued in the next part of 17.