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Medicinal herbs

Dandelion medicated.

Сложноцветные — Asteraceae (Compositae).
Сложноцветные — Asteraceae (Compositae).

Folk names: oil flower, cow flower, March bush, milk flower, light, air flower.

Parts used: grass with root.

Pharmacy name: dandelion (all plant) - Taraxaci radix cum herba (formerly: Radix Taraxaci cum herba), dandelion root - Taraxaci radix (formerly: Radix Taraxaci).

Botanical description. Extremely stable and durable dandelion feels great on any soil. Its powerful rod root, up to 30 cm long, holds it firmly in the ground. Leaves in the root rosette, from 5 to 25 cm long, arch-shaped, pinnatipartite, with serrated blades. Hollow peduncles (like the stem with the root) that produce white milk juice carry a single golden-yellow inflorescence-basket. The ripe seeds are provided with an appendage in the form of a parachute, which allows them to fly long distances from the wind. Blossoms in March-April (May). It grows on meadows and fields, in gardens and wastelands, in short - everywhere where its seeds can be brought. Dandelions grow even between cobbles.

Collection and preparation. Dandelion should be harvested in spring, in April-May. With a spatula or other suitable tool, dig the root out of the soil, split it and hang it together with the grass (leaf socket) for drying in a ventilated place. At temperatures up to 40°C, it can also be dried in the stove.

Acting substances: vitamins, bitterness, tweezers, foams and sterols; carotene, flavonoids, tannins and minerals (a lot of calcium), trace elements, as well as a little essential oil, mucus, fructose, inulin.

Healing effect and application. If to summarize healing actions of dandelion, it is possible to tell that this plant stimulates functions of kidneys and a liver, favourably influences a connecting fabric, strengthens blood supply and thanks to a joint action of all substances containing in it improves the general condition of the weakened people. One of the most important areas of application of dandelion is the removal of toxins in the course of treatment in spring and autumn, as dandelion promotes the processes of excretion, activating the function of the kidneys and liver. Whether to buy ready-made dandelion juice in a pharmacy or to conduct a course of treatment with handmade tea made of dandelion, in general, it is not important. You just need to make sure that this course lasts at least 4-6 weeks. After it you feel really healthy and rejuvenated. The course treatment consists in drinking a cup of tea made of dandelion twice a day or taking 1 tablespoon of dandelion juice. The beneficial effect of dandelion on the connective tissue partially explains its effect against gout and rheumatism, because in this case it is a violation of metabolism, in which the connective tissue is damaged. Rheumatotics always feel better after course treatment with dandelion: the frequency of painful attacks is reduced and the intensity of pain is reduced. Recent studies show that with the help of dandelion can influence the growth of gallstones in gallstone disease. If dandelion treatment is carried out twice a year, there is no new stone formation or increase in old stones. However, it does not dissolve already existing stones, but with the help of dandelion tea it is possible to "soothe" them and thus relieve colic. o Dandelion tea: 1-2 teaspoons of sliced raw materials, pour 1/4 litre of cold water, bring to boil, boil for 1 minute. In 10 minutes, strain. Finally, the diuretic action of dandelion sometimes try to use when trying to remove small kidney stones by the so-called "water stroke". In this case, dandelion tea is cooked at the rate of 2 tablespoons of raw materials for 1/2 liters of cold water, the mixture is brought to the boil and after 20 minutes filtered. The resulting infusion is then diluted in 1.5 liters of warm water. This amount should be drunk for 15-20 minutes. There is a sharp increase in urine flow, which can lead to the release of small stones. The German Public Health Service recommends that dandelion diseases of the bile ducts and the gastrointestinal tract, such as overfilling, meteorism, poor digestion and the use of dandelion to increase diuresis, be used as possible applications, and excludes its use in case of inflammation or blockage of the bile ducts and intestinal obstruction.

Use in homeopathy. Homeopathic drug Taraxacum is given in case of gastric diseases, loss of appetite, liver and kidney diseases with frequent calls for urination. They also try to treat their general weakness, impaired gallbladder function and its ducts, stabbing headache and eye pain. Usually the initial infusion is given 2-3 times a day by 1-3 drops or 0,- D1 by 3-5 (up to 8) drops several times a day.

Application in folk medicine. In folk medicine, dandelion is very highly valued, and use it as described above. Dandelion leaves, in addition, are used to make salad and as appetizing seasoning for soft cheese. It is generally accepted that the dandelion is a fixing action.