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Atonement 2071


Cosmoflot's landing party has long known the advantages of alien defense barriers - they are getting easier. And for the landing party, it is a definite plus - you can brake at the last moment and hardly drops of fuel. And today it was necessary to start from the inertial field of the ship - and consequently, paratroopers have moved from the carrier on the purposes much faster than usual.

Armor of Citadel ships, even Azari yachts, is very strong - if you shoot at them with dumplings through kinetic shields. But what can it do against super high-speed circular saws, in addition to accelerated relief inside the protective field?

Alliance ships surrendered much faster - they had never heard of such armor, and a huge hole in the frigate allowed them to fly in.

- I am a representative of the Azari Republics and I demand a decent treatment! - Celestia told the Homo hats, which are in the volume of armor shells, that I am a representative of the Azari Republics and I demand to be treated with dignity. They can do nothing against biotics, and that is why Azari felt superior to them. I wish to let them look into their eyes... But in vain. The Earthlings have created quite an effective defense, passing the information inside the pilot's head not directly, but through a neural shunt, which controlled a powerful VI, sifting away all the "interference" that the Azari biotics brought.

Against such a combination, it was necessary to work with several paratroopers with the support of Salari engineers ... But why, if you can just crush them with a "deformation"?

- Of course, - a voice was heard from the vocalizer standing in front. - As soon as you prove that you have nothing to do with the gangster ultimatum. There is only one real humanity, and it is on Earth.

- And I will prove it! - The nose and breasts of a maiden Azari have turned up even more.

What she will prove, the maiden has providently kept silent.

Cosmoflot was triumphant. The earth was silent.

Twenty minutes.

Then, near the Earth, the Turanian squadron braked off.

The command of the Turian patrol squadron, which arrived at the standard signal of the attack, was also bewildered. The disposition of the forces was striking with its strangeness - a yacht Azari, a frigate of Batarian mercenaries, a truck with unknown identification marks of some Alliance Systems, and a spacecraft Homo cosmoflot with the number of inhabited compartments.

The mercenaries' frigate was flaunting a half-barrelled hole from the inside out, and everyone else was hanging in stable orbits and not trying to move.

Well, in principle, the tactical computer has given out a variant, that it is a result of unsuccessful attempt of mercenaries to make an attack on any of the others, the benefit by the standards of the put tactical models all others could be only victims.

And even in favor of this idea was that the signal came from the Azari yacht, and one of them just got in touch and asked to protect them from "these bandits!

- The bandits have already been defused, ma'am," the tourist replied politely.

- From these, don't you see?! - she exclaimed and pointed to the... earth ship?! These underdeveloped people, who do not know the effect of mass, can FEAT? On Azari?! And - what is unbelievable - to achieve success?!

At that moment, the earthlings came in contact with the planet nearby and asked to protect them from attack. But at least they were pointing at a mercenary frigate - the outdated and crushed frigate, except for littering the orbit, did not answer the tactical computer - but somehow without a flame, what can harm even such underdeveloped people on the whole planet. Much more expressively, they poked into the truck of unidentified belonging. And what did he do to stop them?!

Tact-computer, having squeaked, gave out a variant that on the truck there is an armament of an anti planetary class at least.

- On what was written off. A truck. Unknown accessory. Anti-planetary weapons. Have you lost your mind here? - trying to put the brain back in, a Turanian yelled.

- Madam, - when necessary, this homo could be gallant. Celeste knew him from his acquaintance on Earth. - Maybe we can talk constructively now? Otherwise, all kinds of people come here, start threatening, and even with nonsense. But we are not against dialogue and relations, especially mutually beneficial ones...

- Your ship attacked the Council's allies," Azari replied poisonously. - And you will have to answer for that. As well as for the attack on us.

- Attack?! At you!? - An earthman made big eyes and raised his hands to his face. - What are the madmen, huh? Nothing, now you don't have to be afraid - our soldiers will ensure your safety.