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psychology is in histories



A mother looked at him eyes, tears will begin to shine in what от-от. She hugged him gently, and could not talk words. To Oleksij too a fragile ball stuck in a throat. They were quiet. This was that treated the soul better, what small talks.

- Let breakfast, and go to school. - already on leaving a mother said from a room.

Oleksij submissively inclined a chairman and went after her. After breakfast, he submerged in ideas about the future of people, about their sense of existence. A father look it, but did not hurry to start a subject. Finishing up mother delicious pancakes, he got up and with a smile on face gave a dish and cup to the mother. If he was in time strongly, but it for him is a law.

And here again ancient ruins. Here the flow of his ideas changed something the direction.

" But as did study when stones yet were not sight of antiquity? Seven or eight centuries of volume ? Really then was there a foreign language ? Presumably, there was no. And mathematics? Able to consider, well. And history? Ha! - it became him funnily for of that time history. - there was neither a battle on the Oleksij field, there are battles on Ice nor Napoleon. There was not almost nothing. Some of her was "short" and history.

That there to teach? Week. Well maybe and two.

And yet, if to add knowledge of Oleksij from other objects, his experience, amount of the seen movies, cognitive transmissions, read books, ability to go for a drive on a bicycle!. - it became Him аж cowardly. Cowardly for a that distant epoch in that he did not live.

" Ouch - joj. The same only to imagine to the soba. Will say in our city in ХІІ - ХІІІ century I appear. Who then was I? Certainly, by a prince I would not be done, and here by a first minister - without ceremony, or as them there - by a boar, - exactly. Such clever, such inventive, such . Well every. And it nothing, that I not quite, well . large, adult. Opposite, I would go by a street, and people would look around. Such small and such wise. Eh, and I already to them such, taught such, showed so much all. O-o-o! Well here even television. And airplane. Car! Telephone.

Steamship. Ball-point pen. A wheel would teach to do! And no, a wheel they knew already. Oh! Incubator! Ho - go! Why I them did not teach" only!

If understood, then not to the end. Somewhere deeply in the soul it was his calling. Again conducts after a book all spare time. He was sufficiently such dreamer, in fact substantially differed from the yearlings. While those played a court at a ball, he helped a mother and because tried to write a book, in that described all adventures that he would like to outlive in the life, and this sometimes. Today all was somehow other gates. He did not help to clean to the mother tableware from table, that already became tradition for them. Did not help a dad with masculine work on a house. He was not yourself today. Maybe, on him today so conversation influenced with a class leader, and maybe and absence of good, true friend. Low-spirited to all, that today happened he goes to the bookshelf, and returns a chairman to the window. Outside already night.

And from here such ideas, from a warm to not sun, from near-by silence of Oleksij it became so pleasantly. A bad mood disappeared, and but in midair something incomprehensible, sense something as yet unknown, but good and near. And, appeasing a spirit from this inexpressive foresight, he sat down on lava.

Minutes from five he twisted a chairman in all parties, but nothing special, or such, that even on a second captivated imagination, did not see. Acquainted green light from one and on either side went down two-storeyed houses to the abandoned lot. Therefore, quite disappointed Oleksij was directed downward, feeding a hope to meet there someone from acquaintances. In school, it was not desirable to go quiet.

A fellow skipped a pharmacy, and to while away the time stopped near the board of bulletins. As a rule, except the names of films that went to the local cinemas, on her nothing hung. Although, today a new playbill showed off here. She informed about arrival of some singer.

This smile from a playbill pierced the whole surrounding world and his atmosphere. But his attention was attracted by a not star in a red evening dress, but glued scrap of paper. Then there was a shred of the page plucked-broken out of mathematical notebook, and on him is the inscription done from a hand :

Only today!


From 8: 00 to 09: 00 in our city

in the apartment of point of reception

(a street is South)


And anymore nothing.