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About nature and eternal


The dawn of dusk... How much romantic, gentle and even, what a sin to hide, cute. The time when the world has not yet woken up, and everything is frozen in anticipation. And you can feel at least for a short, decisively insignificant moment his lord.

The thick fog is laid on the grass, wrapping the earth with a warm blanket, the clouds are rapidly rushing somewhere far away, the shadows of the trees are drawing their own special pattern, which scares the shivers for a moment, but then makes you waver in amazement, and only the dew, touching you gently with its cold droplets, makes you meet and look around.

Silence... Only the wind plays with the crowns of pine giants watching you. Their strict face, the silence around them is also one of those beautiful paintings that draw the dusk before dawn.

At this moment you begin to realize that the whole palette of colors, which was used by the one who created this world, you are not allowed to see and learn. In these seconds you begin to understand how grandiose the idea of the creator was. And I would like to feel for a short moment only a small stroke on the canvas, where light strokes, folding into a masterpiece, depict the dawn of dusk.

But a brief moment is only given to them. And it is impossible to enjoy them fully. Only to feel the skin, the whole body, to see the wide-open eyes. Breathe in their lungs' air to the depths of their lungs. Before the dawn begins...

Here, in the forest, away from the hustle and bustle of people, dawn is not just the beginning of the day, the time when the sun appears on the horizon. No. It is a triumph of colors, a madness of feelings...

Only brief moments of the dusk reign on the world, and then the first ray cuts through the horizon with a bright flash of blinding light, illuminating the crowns of trees, chasing the pre-dawn mist away and destroying the shadows.

The mystery of pre-dawn time is revealed to a few people at once, as well as the dawn. But if you see them, understand and realize, this wonderful feeling will never leave you. And for the rest of your life, you will remember the dusk and dawn that gave you the goal.

Which I don't think will be clear to many now. To be alone with yourself in the dusk once more, to plunge into this world again. And always remember this moment in your life, so that a sad evening somewhere in the concrete jungle of the metropolis in front of your inner gaze shadows of dusk, and you smiled at them ...

The snow crunches under light steps, and the wind cries mournfully, touching the branches. The air sparkles, and your breath, not wanting to turn back on ice, protects you with warmth. Night above the forest, winter is a beautiful creature. The cold stars are illuminated by the light of the earth covered with a snow blanket. The moon, covered with clouds like a blanket, smiles at you shyly through the system of trees of centuries, and your face illuminates before the night.

Night reigns over the world and doesn't know that here, in the embrace of the crunch of snow under your feet, the silence of sleepy trees and the wind of sad gusts, you are the whole world, and maybe something more. For centuries, people have been afraid of the night, afraid of the dark, inventing creatures that live and prosper in it. But I did not know that the truth will be revealed to you - a beautiful night, a beautiful creature in winter. And let the stars shine coldly all over the sky, and in every stump, the demon evil is seen by you. But the night of winter is frighteningly short, not by hours, but by the moments of beauty you see.

And then the day will come, and in the morning the sun will be painted with careless strokes of rays on the horizon.

Go, traveler, by night trails to the place where your way attracts you. Do not be afraid of the night, because it is beautiful. And remember, at least the day has already come, but it is waiting for you...

Beautiful night, don't forget it and tell the world that there are no demons anywhere, but only dreams. In the night there is no fear, no darkness, there are only stars of cold shine, a path of snowy gentle rustling and wind mournful crying. The creak of trees is sleepy, the moons shy smile and the whole world full of silence - all this is night, its charm. So remember and go!

Swaddling brings us to the place where the waves kiss the sunset. The river is full of snowstorms, but we are not afraid of them. A tightly knit raft, a fire crispy with wood, splashes of waves in the face and your arms - what else do you need? Around the water, everywhere there is water, and the song rushes from the chest, making the delicate strings of the guitar tremble and echoing somewhere in the distance...

Here's the last coal went out, the sun has sunk into the river - the world is so beautiful, look, even if a storm is coming.

The fishermen are shouting at us from the shore - let them have a beautiful catch today! The boat is frozen nearby, and they want to help us out of trouble. Do we need it? Oh, no, no and no... Let the sky be full of formidable clouds, and the downpour will catch us now, but it is our world, our river. And we continue to raft.

The wind is noisy, the thunderstorm is coming, the waves are rising... We are not afraid of it, because we are together, the two of us, and we keep our arms together. It seemed impossible to dock already, but the raft creaks and buries into the sand on the shore. There is no need for tents, they are not afraid of rain on the shore. He is kind and warm, he rejoices to us as good friends...

The current takes us to the place where the waves kiss the sunset. The river is full of snowstorms, but we are not afraid of them. A tightly knit raft, a fire crispy with firewood, splashes of waves in the face and your arms - what else do you need? Around the water, everywhere there is water, and the song rushes from the chest, making the delicate strings of the guitar tremble and echoing somewhere in the distance...

Here's the last coal went out, the sun has sunk into the river - the world is so beautiful, look, even if a storm is coming.

The fishermen are shouting at us from the shore - let them have a beautiful catch today! The boat is frozen nearby, and they want to help us out of trouble. Do we need it? Oh, no, no and no... Let the sky be full of formidable clouds, and the downpour will catch us now, but it is our world, our river. And we continue to raft.

The wind is noisy, the thunderstorm is coming, the waves are rising... We are not afraid of it, because we are together, the two of us, and we keep our arms together. It seemed impossible to dock already, but the raft creaks and buries into the sand on the shore. There is no need for tents, they are not afraid of rain on the shore. He is kind and warm, he rejoices to us as good friends...

The night is running out, and two people hugging each other at the campfire whispering in such a way that even the river doesn't hear them: "Tomorrow we're back here again, again - on the rafting..."

I love autumn, it's leaf fall time. You walk down the street, breathing in the smell of old, and all the colors around in a crazy dance. So the trees say goodbye to the summer. And I'm with them.

A leaf fall... A charming moment! And even if it's a little sad, but you can enjoy for hours.

Take your guitar with you, sit on the bench of your favorite in the park, and it started... Around the leaves, there is a round dance, and the guitar rings trembling, shimmering the strings of the birds of the song forcing you to sing with you on an equal footing.

And although the flight of leaves is swift, but at the same time, it is sad. It's been a hot summer, and autumn, the red beauty, comes into power with her jump... Sad is the fall of the leaves, but still, my heart warms. It's a crazy time, a great, crazy dance - he calls for a long way to a place where the summer is not over, to a place where you won't see such a riot of colors. That's why I'm staying. And dancing the leaves, the guitar strings through, about something gently singing ...

You'll wake up for a moment, and you'll be in doubt... What if you've been spinning around in a leaf fall dance for a long time? Or maybe you fell on the sidewalk, and the bright colors of your hat went out, trampled feet?