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Manicure for everyone.

Paint nails without hysterics: Spray - varnish from "Nails Inc". For the fastest manicure in the world.

Creative manicure and other nail-art is so actual now that it has turned into an independent direction of fashion. But only girls know what nerves sometimes there is a simple (but accurate!) painting of nails with lacquer, not to mention the attempts to repeat the beauty of the masters of Instagram. Do not smear, do not go beyond the borders of the cuticle, do not "squeeze" fresh lacquer ... But with a novelty from Nails Inc. and Alexa Chang style icons to paint nails can be done in seconds and at the same time do not try at all. And look like after the salon.

Not everyone is given to be masters of nail art. And not all girls have enough time and money to visit the salon regularly. And an attempt to put your nails in order on your often turns into a catastrophe of smudged lacquer. But the gods of manicure, it seems, heard the voices of women around the world and gave them an innovative tool: nail polish in a spray.

Now the complete painting of nails with colored lacquer or the procedure of "refreshing" manicure three days ago will require only a few seconds and minimum effort. All thanks to a special format: lacquer from the popular English brand Nails Inc. can be sprayed like an aerosol.

Of course, the application of the innovative lacquer itself is not neat. After the procedure, not only your nails but also your hands will shine and sparkle. There is one small trick here. Before "painting" the nails should be covered with a transparent varnish-base. And Nails Inc.'s lacquer spray, thanks to its special shape, will freeze only on the base, and will be easily washed off by ordinary water and soap from the delicate skin of hands.

A novelty, the face and nails of which was a model and journalist Alexa Chung, manufacturers proudly call "the means for the fastest manicure in the world. Thanks to its special formula, the spray varnish is not only applied quickly, but also dries in seconds. Nails Inc. spray lacquer will be the ideal solution for lazy, and not only, but also very nice manicure options.

I'd like to add a creative Beauty Life-hack, a cool manicure option with hairspray.


Pushkin's idea that "you can be a good person and think about the beauty of nails" nowadays is not in doubt. In nail salons you can find not only frivolous beauties, but also quite serious and representative men. And such popular "diseases" as lacomancy are equally susceptible to and girls-students, and mothers on maternity leave, and solid businesswomen. And it is not necessary to spend significant amounts of money on the original manicure. After all, in the depths of the Blogosphere you can find a lot of instructions and tips for every taste. For example, how to make an unusual "marble" design, using hairspray.

Hairspray and nail polish. What do you think they have in common, apart from the name? But, it turns out, the spray to fix the curls can be handy in the process of manicure. After all, it can be used to make an original nail design. Even in the complete absence of artistic skills. The main thing is to be patient and follow the instructions.

You will need it:

1. Two nail polishes in different shades;

2. Lacquer base finish;

3. Hairspray;

4. Toothpick;

5. A glass of warm (not hot!) water.

Step 1: Apply a base to level the nail surface. This will make the next steps easier.

Step 2: Now apply the basic color. You can also make a gradient or other basic design.

Step 3: Pour warm water into a glass or bowl. The main thing is to choose the right temperature. After all, the "focus" will not work in hot or excessively cold water. Add a couple of drops of varnish of another color. And it is even possible to add a few shades - it is even more interesting.

Step 4: Now the most interesting thing is to splash the hairspray. You'll immediately notice how it starts to take on a bizarre shape.

Step 5: Now dip the nails into the water one by one so that the nail polish web covers each of them. And to make the patterns look prettier, and fireworks slightly twist them with a toothpick.

Step 6: Remove creative marks from the skin around the nails.

Step 7: Apply a top coat and enjoy a cool manicure!