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Waterproofing the terrace: everything you need to know

The terrace, you know, is a luxury that can easily become a curse, especially when it is not covered by other surfaces located above it. Therefore, it is a much loved part of any property, but it is necessary to take special care in order to avoid infiltration and problems of various kinds. For this reason, today we are talking in detail about the waterproofing of the terrace.

The first details to know about it

The waterproofing of these spaces, especially when they are totally uncovered and therefore not vertically connected to other living spaces, is always important. In fact, it prevents structural failure due to water infiltration. It also avoids the development of harmful moulds, fungi or bacteria that are certainly unsuitable for the environment and its use.

ResinSystem Italia has been working for more than twenty years in the field of waterproofing, acting in every type of situation and offering the professionalism and experience necessary to identify the best and most effective way to direct the work. With this in mind, we are going to learn more about this type of intervention.

How to waterproof the terrace (and other surfaces)

First of all, the first point to understand is how you actually run the process. It can be carried out on new surfaces or in construction, or within existing surfaces. The first case is obviously the most desirable because at most, in the future, it may be necessary to simply restore the state of waterproofing without the need for too invasive interventions.

In the second case, on the other hand, in the presence of surfaces that have not previously been waterproofed or with the waterproofing irreparably compromised, it will be essential to assess the underlying state of the floor and wall coverings in order to understand how to proceed.


Restore an existing waterproofing

The waterproofing to be restored can proceed in various degrees. When the only finishing layer (i.e. the visible floor) has been compromised, perhaps with cracks or fissures, it is sufficient to simply follow a few precautions and take care of a few small operations.

Specifically, it is possible to replace damaged elements and/or cover any joints with good quality waterproofing grout. After having carefully cleaned the surface, it is also possible to proceed with the application of waterproofing products, such as resins or other similar materials. This is what we can call one of the least invasive interventions, which is carried out when the damage is not deep.

What to do when the damage is most serious?

If the waterproofing of the terrace is also compromised at the level of the floor and pre-existing waterproof layer, then the glue underneath the floor and the compromised layer must be removed. Subsequently, it will be possible to create a new one, and therefore totally restore the levels of impermeability of the surface, using special products. In these cases, it is advisable to rely on the support of professionals in the sector, who will be able to carry out the work in complete safety and use the best and latest generation equipment.

Building the waterproofing of the terrace from scratch

In order to do a good job when building a waterproofing layer for the balcony or terrace, it is very often necessary to first place a double layer of bituminous membrane at the base. The latter is easily recognisable by its intense black colour. In such situations, special attention should be paid to vertical surfaces and thresholds, such as those of windows or doors. For aesthetic reasons, these are increasingly at the same level as the terrace floor. Therefore, you will have to work to properly tilt the surface and to allow the water to reach the right places.

Other precautions to follow

Still talking about the realization from scratch of the waterproofing of the terrace, it is important to emphasize that there will be other operations to be performed. In fact, a layer of special material will then be necessary to protect the waterproofing membranes from deterioration and from the weight of the load distribution layer, which will be applied precisely to distribute the weight of the coating equally.

Then a waterproofing product must be applied to protect the screed, i.e. the load distributor. In addition, with good quality adhesives and possibly cementitious adhesives, the covering layer must be glued. Subsequently, any joints must be checked and waterproofed in order to avoid damage to the same.

Many solutions to consider, but which one to choose