Chapter 6 (continued)
The first test
I expected to see anything but a flat, windowless corridor, dimly lit by mag lamps. I wonder what nourishes them? Is the magic of the place itself? Hardly anybody risked coming in here and nourishing the lighting. I looked around for those illusions - nothing... Maybe a protective amulet was working? There was the smell of oranges in the air. It was strange. Where did he come from? The presence of strange magic was felt like a barely noticeable touch. It was as if she was evaluating me and deciding whether or not to show herself. A turn. Where are the branches? Why is the Illusion called a labyrinth? So far, it has been like a normal palace room. Suddenly I heard a rustle. I stopped and listened. I turned around and didn't see the corridor I came out of. What the hell is this? We have to go forward.
Only the walls disappeared in front of me. I was standing in the middle of a huge field. You could see the sea surface in the distance. The amulet on my chest was warm and slightly vibrated. But, alas, I already understood that the unhappy pebble will not fight with the power of the Illusion.
- Reniard Ayordan! - I heard screams. - Reniard Ayordan. Reniard of Aldon!
What? What kind of jokes? I reminded myself that it was an illusion that was joking at me and hastened the step. I will go to the sea since I was going there before. Maybe I will find some hint on the shore what to do next. And the screams intensified. I covered my ears and ran. Who are these invisible people? What do they want?
The sea was rapidly approaching, and now I was standing by the blue, endless surface. The screams were gone.
- Reniard," one familiar voice was heard.
There were two people sitting by the water on the sand, and I found out both of them. The young man who called for me was Elias Cavern. He threw pebbles into the water, and they jumped ridiculously on the surface. He was held by Princess Eliza's hand. Wow, and in Illusion, they were together. Maybe it's a sign? After all, Eliza is definitely not indifferent to Lord Carnell.
- What are you doing here? - A stupid question came off my lips. And then I remembered that everything was not real. And this couple - too.
- Look, Reniard," said the princess, "what do you see?
And there was no more sea, no more sun, no more sand. Only a raging crowd chanting:
- Reniard. Reniard of Aldon!
- Do you say you don't want to win? - The princess and Elias were next to each other, and suddenly the young man disappeared, only the girl remained.
- I don't want to," I answered her.
- Really? - Eliza smiled. - It's a pity. You could have gotten everything. Power, worship. No one else would dare to call you a disgraced lord. You would have gotten me.
I closed my eyes. Nothing. Just a maze and his jokes. You have to remember that. Why do I need the throne of Aldon? Yes, I wanted to rub my nose in the face of my enemies, but you don't have to be king to do that.
- And what does it have to be? - Eliza asked.
- Don't give up," I replied. - As bad as it was.
- Remember your words, Reniard Ayordan," smiled the princess. - And when the time comes, don't give up just because you think you're unworthy.
Morok scattered, and I found the door in front of me. I pushed her and breathed in. And when the darkness dissipated, I realized I was standing in front of the lords and king. No one asked me what was in the Illusion. On the contrary, it was as if the lords were hoping I wouldn't come back. And why was it as if? So it was.
- Reniard, are you all right? - Her Highness asked.
- Yes, thank you," I bowed down to the princess. - How long has it been?
- Ten minutes.
So little? It seemed to me that it took forever. I took off my lighthouse amulet and returned it to my servant. I got tired. But I had to wait until the end of the test, so I sat in a chair next to Elias.
- Are you all right, Reniard? - He asked quietly.
- Yes, I did.
- And what was in the labyrinth?
- You," I answered the truth.
- Me?" For some reason, the guy shuddered and turned away. Strange... It was like he wasn't surprised by my answer. Maybe he didn't see any cakes either.
- Yes, you and her Highness. - I looked at Princess Eliza. - And then the door came in front of me, and I came out of the maze. I don't really understand the meaning of these visions, but I hope I will.
As we talked, the illusion swallowed up the next victim, Lord Evineur. Alas, we waited for about an hour for nothing.
- Let the next one come in," said the king.
This time it was Laherney's turn. He boasted as much as he could. In general, Kyrian liked everyone's attention. It was noticeable even to me, who had seen him almost for the first time in his life. Laеrnie was gone for about half an hour, and we already thought he wouldn't obey the illusion when the chalk-like lord showed up at the door. He only waved away at all the questions, drained a glass of wine from the servant's hand and came up to us. Close up, it became clear that Kyrian was shaking.
- Are you all right? - Elias immediately rushed to him. - Lord Laherney?
- I'm fine," Kyrian replied quietly. - What a terrible place, this labyrinth. You're lucky, Elias. Apparently, your young soul has not yet accumulated as much fear and desire as ours.
- You're right," Cavernel agreed. - My desires are quite simple. But you never know what awaits you in the Illusion, do you?
Laernie nodded, grimly looking into the wall.
The next candidate, Lord Ulian, didn't come back either. And I began to suspect that without the amulet, I would have had a much more interesting time in the maze. He was very grateful to Elias, though he didn't understand why he was so good to me. Perhaps, in fact, his heart has not yet had time to stale.
And the first test went on. Neither the king nor the princess left until the last candidate, Lord Edwin, appeared at the cherished door.
- Gentlemen, I congratulate you on the completion of the first stage of the selection," the king turned to us. - Since the two of you could not get out of the Illusion, they are leaving the palace and can only wait for the name of my daughter's future wife. And you are resting. The next test will take place in two days. For the time being, I recommend you to visit the training halls and the palace library. Good luck.
And the king left. Eliza followed him and exchanged views with Elias. Or did it seem to me that way? In fact, I was madly tired, and at least a day of rest would not hurt. But two days? Why drag out the selection? For me, this meant communicating with the lords, which, alas, cannot be avoided, their next mockery and insults.
Elias and I turned to our rooms. The guy seemed unusually thoughtful.
- And to be honest, what did you see in the Illusion, Elias? - I asked. - It wasn't just cake, was it?
- Of course not," he said. - I'm sorry, Reniard, but this is personal. The illusion has its own surprises for everyone. Goodnight.
- And to you," I said, curling up to my door.