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My opinion

After the battle. Part 17

- Your Majesty! What are you going to do? - Istanen whispered in horror, grabbing the king's cloak and whispering, "It's useless, you can't pierce the scales with an arrow! You will die in vain, but they will not be saved...

- Getaway! - Deaf and fiercely abandoned Trandeil, throwing away his disturbing hands. With a clear movement, he equipped his faithful bow, took out a powerful armor-piercing arrow. He stood up all the way, leaning firmly against the rocks. And screamed as hard as he could:

- Hey, you filthy, stinking creature! Fly here, look, I'm not hiding!

The dragon turned around, looked at the daring archer with his red eye. And he flew to the top of the mountain. A rabid roar announced the surroundings. Thranduil was standing still, like a stone one, holding the creature in his sights. Several of his warriors tried to shoot the monster, but the arrows bounced off the dragon's armor without causing him a scratch. The dragon had already approached so close that the elves were smelly and hot. Some of the Nandor couldn't stand it and rolled down the slope with horror screams. The flying worm opened its mouth to the fullest extent, intending to burn all these daring little elves who dared to challenge him at once... And then the elven king cold-bloodedly put a heavy steel arrow to the dragon's throat...

The monster sizzled, coughed up the fire in all directions and fell heavily on the ridge of the mountain. And Thranduil, ignoring the dust clouds raised by the dying dragon and knocked down boulders, rolling on the slope, rushed down with a desperate cry:

- Ellie! Ellie! I'm here! I came to you!

The queen woke up between two big rocks that were immediately followed by a cliff. The woman tried to cover her child with her body, and she had nowhere to go. The king was almost reaching out to his wife when Lorinor rushed to him with a scream:

- Thranduil, be careful! The dragons were...

Without letting his brother-in-law finish, Thranduil pushed him off the road.

- Ellie, dear...

And at that moment, a huge dragon's head rose because of the cliff, the steady red eyes stared at the Forest King. Ellerian looked back at the new danger of death, grabbed the child and left her husband, screaming desperately:

- Save your son, beloved! Please save Legolas!

This dragon was much bigger than the one who had been killed. Slowly, enjoying the helplessness of the victims, he blew a monstrous jaw like a cave entrance...

The Tranduel went back, fleeing the jet of fire that hit his face. Hiding behind the stones, he looked at his son. He was drowned in tears, but he was not hurt badly, only a few drops of dragon poison hit the smooth lobby and lightly burned his blond hair. Having torn off the glove, his father wiped out the fire spatter and wanted to take out the handkerchief and put it on the burns, but at that moment a desperate cry came to him, filled with horror and wild pain. The king rushed back... and froze, shocked, dropping his bow.

The dragon's flame burned Ellerian from head to toe, the gorgeous hair of beautiful Noldeh burned completely, the beautiful gray eyes were gone, the skin swollen with bubbles and burst into flames, but it was still alive: trying to crawl, grabbing the stones with her burning hands, leaving them with scraps of burned skin, agonizingly wheezing... Then the dragon came out again because of the cliff, grabbed the woman's legs and pulled her down.

Lorinor jumped out of the rocks, rushed to his son-in-law, pulled him over his shoulders:

- Run! Quickly! Save your son!

Trandil, poorly understanding what they want from him, tried to fight off:

- There is Ellerian! I have to save her...

- You won't help her anymore! Run!

- Anyway... There's Ellie... I have to be with her...

- You're a wimp with no brain! - Laurenaro had a furious argument. And, leaning closer to his son-in-law, he shouted to his face separately:

- Ellie asked - for - you - to save - her son! Do it - her - a request! - and then Noldo shaken him by the shoulders, turned him around and pushed him towards the pass," I said.

Thranduil ran up the slope automatically, pressing the child to the chest. Laurenaro stayed in place.

The king did not remember how he got to the crest, how he got to his Nandor. The forest elves surrounded their lord. At that moment, Thranduil's legs were tilted. Estanen intercepted the child from his hands:

- Sire, you are wounded! You need to be bandaged! Where is the healer?

The king grabbed his hand by the face - instead of smooth skin under his fingers was a mess. At that moment the pain reached him. He could barely suppress the groan. Nando, who was a healer on the trip, jumped up to his king, quickly treated the burn with an ointment, and grabbed a strip of clean cloth from his bag.