A man of the world or our American.
The Soviet Union did not favor rock and roll. Domestic performers gave underground or semi-underground concerts. Western performers in the USSR of the 70s were not heard at all. But there was an exception. Dean Reed, “our Elvis Presley” performed at the best venues in the country, his records were published in huge circulations in the USSR. In those years, there was no foreign artist more popular in our country. At the same time, Dean Reed in his homeland, in the United States, was practically not known. His biography is full of adventure, and the cause of death has not yet been fully clarified.
The first musical successes
Dean Reid was born in Denver, Colorado in 1938. In his youth, he became interested in guitar and singing. Entered the University. He worked part-time by singing in restaurants and clubs. Soon he signed a small contract with a recording studio.
But at the turn of the 50s and 60s, competition in the US music market was high. Therefore, the producers sent him on a long tour of Latin America, where at that time English-speaking performers became fashionable. Dean Reid has gained great popularity in South America: many of his compositions have become hits.
Moving to Argentina. Passion for socialist ideas
Dina was so fascinated by Latin America that he decided to settle in Argentina. It was on this continent that he joined the leftist ideas. At that time, revolutionary movements were strong in South American countries. He met with the socialist Salvador Allende, the future Chilean president, with the famous Chilean communists Luis Carvalan and Victor Hara.
In 1966, a coup occurred in Argentina. The military government that came to power expelled the left American from the country.
Life in Italy. Western shooting
But Dean Reed did not want to return to his homeland. First, he went to Spain, then to Italy. While living in Rome, he took part in the filming of several spaghetti westerns: a handsome American was the best suited for roles in Italian versions of westerns. At the same time, he begins to give concerts in the countries of the "Eastern bloc."
Personal life of Dean Reed
Back in 1964, Dean married a little-known U.S. actress Patricia Hobbs. They had a daughter, Ramona. In 1970, the couple divorced, and Patricia returned to her homeland.
Soon, Dean began a long-term affair with a Soviet actress, Estonian Eve Kivi (known for her role as a fisherwoman in Ruslan and Lyudmila, Ratmir's lover performed by Ruslan Akhmetov). But Dean could not marry her. With Eve Qiwi.
But then he met Wibke Dorndek, an East German, a distant relative of Honecker himself. Dean got married a second time. In this family, his daughter Natasha was also born. However, this marriage soon broke up. With the second wife - Wibke.
The third darling of the American activist is the famous GDR actress Renate Blume, whom he married in 1981.
Life in the GDR
It was thanks to his second marriage that Dean Reed decided to settle in the GDR. The indefatigable energy of the singer knows no bounds. He toured a lot in socialist countries, traveled all over the huge USSR, and repeatedly performed at the BAM. In between tours, he also does not sit idle. He is engaged in social and political activities in different parts of the world. He takes part in various social events in the countries of socialism, writes an open letter to A. Solzhenitsyn criticizing his views, and pickets at US embassies in various countries. He is repeatedly arrested in the United States and Latin America, though not for long.
However, Dean Reed never broke with his homeland. He still remained an American citizen, and every year faithfully filled out an American tax return.
In the spring of 1986, Dean Reed gave an extensive interview to CBS, a nationwide television station in the United States. He hoped to clarify his views to his compatriots, wanted them to understand him. But American viewers did not accept him, considering him a Kremlin spy and a traitor to national interests.
Mysterious death
In frustrated feelings, Dean returned to Berlin. On June 13, 1986, his body was discovered in a lake near his home. The East German authorities explained the incident as an accident, although he swam perfectly. Many then suspected the omnipotent "Stasi" in the murder of the singer. After the unification of Germany, the archives of the former special services of the GDR became available to researchers. Found documents on the death of Reed. They said that an autopsy then found a sleeping pill that was not completely dissolved in the stomach, as well as his suicide note.
Most likely, there was a suicide. As for the reasons, one can only guess. It is possible that this was due to the depression that swept the singer after that ill-fated CBS interview.
The ashes of the deceased were buried in Rauffangsverdere (GDR). Later, in 1991, Reed's mother reburied the ashes in Boulder (USA).