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Why do men have mistresses

Why do husbands have mistresses? The answer to this question was and will be relevant at all times. When you learned that your beloved man cheats, you have a lot of questions in your head. Why with me? How could this, in general, happen? What was the reason for cheating? When did this all begin? Where was I at that moment? A million questions and no answers.

Why do men have mistresses

It's not just about him, it's also about you.

It can't be just one thing to blame. Think about what has changed in you since you got married. You must have loaded yourself in grey, boring everyday life and forgotten about yourself. Get out of all this fuss, remember, first of all, you are a woman, not a cook and dishwasher. Go to the beauty salon, change your haircut, dare to something new. Refresh your manicure, take the risk of intimate waxing. Change the wardrobe, throw away old, worn-out things, and instead buy a new dress, shoes, purse. Make his heart tremble again at the sight of you, such a fluttering, bright butterfly. Even other men will pay attention to you, it will raise your self-esteem and you will become more confident.

Revitalize your feelings by inviting your loved one on a date. Cocketishayte, make compliments to your man. Do not forget to encourage your loved one. He, as a child, needs affection and praise. Give him compliments. Tell him how strong, masculine, sexy, attractive he is. Prepare his bathroom, give him a massage. Men like it very much.

Doesn't prevent you from adding bright colors to your sex life. To do this, it is recommended to change the environment. Make love on the kitchen table, in the back of the car, in the country house. Add role-playing games. Buy yourself an erotic, sexy lingerie. Radiate more passion, emotions. Be brave and relaxed in bed. Show your husband that you still admire his body.

Support and understanding are as important as sexual life

A man needs to be listened to, supported, and advised. If he came from work tired, you do not need to burden him with your women's conversations. Do not stand over his soul and do not mumble. Feed well, let him go to pool with his friends, because every person wants freedom, his personal space.

In fact, our husbands run away from everyday life, problems, misunderstandings. What they lack at home, they are looking for on the side. They are tense scandals and eternal quarrels about and without reason. You do not need to be jealous of everything that moves, because in the end he decides to do it. She'll think, since she'll make a scandal anyway, why not at least in an empty place. Let her scream for a reason, but let her do it. If before the husband somehow did not dare, did not dare to do the same, then hiking to other women are becoming more and more frequent and conscious. In the end, the man is moving away from you.

After work he goes not home, but to another lady of the heart. And you come up with various excuses, like working around the clock for you and your child. He comes tired, and you still feel sorry for him. Indeed, he does it for you. He tries to be poor, sleepless, exhausted. It's only a pity that in reality he runs vigorously to the other, makes gentle messages, calls her every hour, does not skimp on flowers and gifts.

Women, as before, without suspicion, make scandals, inflate problems without noticing the truth. Against the background of everything, they no longer want any sex. One wish is to turn away from the wall and fall asleep. Relationships are getting worse.

If nothing changes in family life, then one day, having collected all his belongings, he leaves. And the most important thing is that he says that he is tired and can't and doesn't want to live like this anymore and, in general, he doesn't understand how he used to live with you.

Stunned by this turn of events, you get hysterical. And then everyone has different things. Some people digest, divorce and start a new life from scratch. Others close themselves, change nothing and remain alone for the rest of their lives.

Work on yourself every day. After all, no matter how much you spin, but in any quarrel, let alone divorce, both are to blame.