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Fluffy Tail

All kinds of parrots necklaces

A necklace parrot is a beautiful medium-sized bird. The tail is long, feathers of saturated green color with small inclusions of other colors. Males have a bright stripe around their necks that resembles a necklace or tie.


This type of parrot is appreciated for its friendliness, unpretentiousness, small size and good learning ability. On average, they memorize about 60 words, although some individuals have learned 200-250. Different classifications range from 12 to 16 species of necklace parrots.


Got the name in honor of Alexander the Great, whose soldiers brought this bird species to Europe from the Asian campaign. It was popular in ancient Rome, where it was kept in silver and gold cells and often cost more than a slave.

The largest necklace parrot reaches a length of 45-48 cm. Feathers of rich greenish-green color, on the wings of bard spots, on the back of the head barely noticeable blue spot. The necklace begins to appear by the third year of male life, becomes bright pink, tie black. The beak is large, intensely red.

It inhabits Southeast Asia, Sri Lanka, and the Andaman Islands.


Not only is it the only parrot species that lives on two continents at the same time - Asia and Africa - but it is also trying to capture Europe and the United States! The fact is that in big cities, birds that fly away from their owners have formed their diaspora and are already considered to be pests of the farm.

The body length is about 36-42 cm. Like the big parrots, the necklace is pink and the tie is black. The females do not have a necklace. Around the eyes, there are expressive orange rings and a red beak with a dark connection.

Natural habitat - India, China, part of Africa below the Sahara, but above the wet forest zone.


Body length about 40 cm, tail reaches 23 cm in length. The main color of the feathers is green, but the head and neck are grey with a bluish tint, and there is a dark tie on the neck. On the wings, there are bright red stripes and a red beak.

Unlike the previous two species, it lives in the mountains at an altitude of about 2700 m above sea level. It is common from the north of India to Vietnam.


Body length 40-45 cm, tail about 28 cm. As with other species, the main color is green, but the forehead is black and the head is gray and blue. Males have a red beak with a black connection, females have a completely black beak. On the sides of the head, there is a wide dark band from the bottom of the beak.

They live in the southwest of China, in eastern Tibet and on Hainan Island.


Slightly fewer brothers, body length about 30 cm, tail up to 13 cm. Head and back are blue-gray, the main color is green, the necklace is also saturated green. The tail is bright, blue, with expressive yellow tips. Females have a black beak, males have a reddish beak with a brown connection.

The species is common in Sri Lanka.


These parrots are still difficult to breed, most often catching and trying to sell adults. In comparison to other species, they look wild and slower to learn.

The body length is 35 cm, the tail is 22 cm. Dark green feathers, goiter, abdomen, and breast are pink. The head is blue-grey with a bright bandage and a dark tie. Like emeralds, females differ from males in the color of their beak - it is black, not reddish with a dark connection.

He lives in Indochina, on the island of Java, Kalimantan and the closest to them.


Body length 35 cm, tail 24 cm. Males' necks, head, upper back, and lower body part are saturated gray, lower back is bluish-green. There are two necklaces on the neck - black and green. Females have bluish-green wings and a bluish hue of the tails. Both females and males have red supraclave with dark connection.

Common in Southwest India.


Most previous species have a sharp, even irritating voice, but not this one. Melodic singing, cheerful character and quick addiction to people are the main reasons for its popularity in the home.

It is considered to be one of the most beautiful species of necklace parrots due to the color of feathers - saturated green with olive flow. The head and neck are cherry with blue, and the wings have bright red stripes and a dark necklace. The beak is yellow. The beaks of the females are red, the head is gray, and the bottom of the back is yellow-green.

Natural habitats are Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistan, South China, and Sri Lanka.


Body length about 40 cm, tail 25 cm. Side of head and neck red, wide black band from beak to cheeks. Males have a red beak with a brown connection, females have dark beaks and the head color is brighter.

They live in Indonesia, Malaysia, and Singapore.https://petsfusion.com/news/234/vse-vidi-ozherelovih-popygaev/