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About the perception filters


What exactly do perception filters evaluate?

Anything... The words or deeds of another person. Your actions and your own position in this situation. For example, a hopeless situation.

It is also an assessment of the present, past or future.

What is the future? It is bleak and joyless. So, the filters of perception will be "hopelessness" and "joylessness".

And what is the past? Irretrievably lost. Accordingly, the filters can be "irrecoverable" or "lost".

Where do all these colorful filters come from?

Life itself teaches us about perception filters. We draw some evaluation conclusions and these conclusions become universal measures for all such situations in the future.

Then we accumulate filters and pass them on to our children. Children receive ready-made sets from their father and mother, add their filters and pass them on to their children...

It's easy to prove in practice. There are fairly simple ways to find out from which parent a particular emotional state and specific perception filters have been transmitted.

The survey of parents and grandparents only confirms the correctness of the conclusions made.


Why do we need perception filters?

It would seem, what good is it from them? Why does our brain need a mechanism that automatically changes the colored glasses of perception, if it brings only problems?

It seems that perception filters were originally conceived as a mechanism to speed up the process of evaluating the situation, the actions of other people, as well as everything else.

These are templates of quick reaction. They save resources and allow not to evaluate each time the same and similar situations anew. As a result, the brain becomes lazy and falls asleep.

For example, when a person is condemned, the same offense is turned on each time. Whether this offense is a topic or not, it is still included in the topic.

The truth is that each situation requires a special, individual approach. And if we react in a template, not in a flexible and adequate way, it means that we have problems with it.

Results from the elimination of filters

The shy become open and confident. The lazy are surprised by their own perseverance. The wicked become calm, the apathetic regain their joy.

Someone's business is starting to grow up again. Someone builds relationships or finds happiness. Someone for the first time takes up the realization of dreams and succeeds.

Everyone has their own results.

It's as if a person wakes up. There is unprecedented flexibility of thinking and behavior. Old deadlocks now seem ridiculous and far-fetched. Life brings joy.

And this is not a theory. I tell you about my personal experience, as well as the experience of my close circle and my clients. It's as real as a walk through the woods or a jump from a high bridge into the open sea.

How do you understand the perception filters?

Realize that right now all the space around you is filled with air. You breathe it. Feel the air with a quick movement of your hand. Realize breathing in your body.

There is air, but did you realize it before I asked?

Something similar happens to the perception filters. Our mind evaluates everything around us, but the process is completely automatic in the background.

Our consciousness doesn't notice these evaluations. It is busy with thoughts that the evaluation filter has generated. And emotions are occupied with feelings, which are also generated by evaluation.

When a person realizes the perception filter and its connection with a certain emotion in the body, there is a moment of transformation!

When you know where the entrance to the problem is, you will automatically know the way out of it. It is this that gives relief and complete liberation from this particular emotional reaction.

The fewer filters you have, the easier it is to live.

The more evaluation filters a person removes, the less he becomes a robot.

Behavior becomes natural and open. A man without fear shows his own uniqueness. Negative states rarely occur, and even if they do, it is only a few minutes.

Everything around is perceived positively and adequately. The ability to react quickly and correctly to various surprises simply does not cease to amaze.

All set goals are achieved. All relations with the surrounding people are established. The material income grows. Every day you live gives pleasure and brings joy.

I'm talking about my results now too. As they say, write about what you know.

What's the hardest part about fixing a problem?

Finding the right filter! This is the most difficult step in working with any problem. It requires serious theoretical and practical training.

Imagine that you need to solve a complex and complicated mathematical problem, and you know for a fact that there is a solution. Some people take five minutes, others take an hour.

But what a relief then comes! Words do not convey.
