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Crazy Cherry

Day after day. Part 27


28th day. Warming (Gellert/Albus)

In the gloomy office, there was darkness and oppressive silence, which was broken only by the squeak of many feathers about parchment. Hanging from the ceiling and hanging on the wall of the scarecrow of various dark creatures looked at the disciples hunched over the desks with contempt and cruelty, as if they wanted to attack and torment the children. But the students were no longer afraid of dead creatures, but of a living but no less dangerous creature that hypnotized students shaking with fear, sitting at a heavy, wide table, on which stood the frightening appearance of the instruments of Dark Magic.

Long fingers were teasingly fluttering on a magic wand that danced in the hands of one of the strongest magicians of the century. It looked so careless, but no less dangerous, as if the cat was playing in front of mice with a ball of thread. The colorful eyes of the class circled slowly, scanning every person, even those who tried to hide behind their backs in front of the people sitting. Lips were curved in a contemptuous cold smile that might have seemed like a predatory shard of rock from afar.

The students looked at each other briefly, giving each other alarms. Professor Green de Wald was always scary, and in the eyes of his disciples, he was like a monster chasing them on a subject like the devil in Hell. But today it was not only scary, but also shocking, because it had never happened before. They were writing a paper. They wrote in classes on Protection from Dark Arts. Since they had a new teacher, students have only done what they practiced, and it often resulted in injuries among the guys. The headmaster repeatedly talked about safety, but the professor only continued to ignore it and practice dangerous spells with the students.

"Did he change his mind? - was read in the children's views. It was incredibly strange that such an impenetrable person could make a difference. However, everybody saw and knew that Albus Dumbledore had an impact on Herr Green de Valda. In a way that wasn't clear to the students, the professor at the Transgregation managed to influence the stubborn man who was doing what he wanted to do. Thus, physical punishments such as push-ups and squats, as well as the study of forbidden spells, have disappeared from the program. However, today's changes did not please the students, as most of them enjoyed the practice. Yes, sometimes it was painful and cruel, but it was real and useful, and every day it was something new.

"Something terrible happened," was hovering in the air, increasing and condensing with anxiety.

Suddenly the door opened, and all the students twitched, and someone even fell off the chair, under the ridiculous laugh of the teacher.

- You're so quiet as if someone had died," said Professor Dumbledore, who walked in, looking at the tense students who, when another teacher showed up, sighed relaxedly, looking at the gloomy Green de Valda. - Did you guess? - Albus barely smiled, sneering at the magician.

- Now you're going to die," Gellert said, squeezing the wand more confidently in his hands.

- Well, well, let's not be threatened and not in front of children," the professor raised his hands, approaching the table and leaning on his hips. - Class time is coming to an end, let them go.

- Now it's my time to torture them, yours will come in a few hours," said Green de Wald, stubbornly, destroying a couple of people who decided to talk to each other for a professors' dialogue. After that, it was as if everybody's tongues had dried up.

- Well, well, whatever you say," Dumbledore shook his shoulders, winking at the guys who had been mentally attacked. They smiled a little bit back at the teacher, looking at the even darker owner of the office with a little apprehension.

- Surrender the work," said Professor Green de Wald. The kids jumped up, lined up in front of the table and laid parchment scrolls in front of the teacher. They were quietly saying goodbye to both adults and moved quickly away, not wanting to stay in the conversation professors in this mood.

- Did you make them write a boring essay throughout the lesson? - Amazingly exclaimed with laughter Albus, taking one of the works and fluently peeking through. - And even on such a terrible topic. I don't know if it's a plus or a greater punishment?

- You asked them not to be tormented anymore," Gellert sniffed irritably, putting the stick aside.

- I didn't think you'd listen to me," Dumbledore threw his eyebrows up as he approached the Green de Valda chair and sat on his armrest. - You'd usually ignore those kind of requests, saying, "I'm their teacher, and it's up to me to decide how to teach them.

- This time, you made me a terrible deal," smiled at Green de Wald, hugging a man for his waist.

- Who knew you were so easy to influence? - Albus held out, leaning over Gellert and leaving a light kiss on his lips.

- It was cruel," the man frowned.

- I told you I wouldn't let you sleep in my bed," Dumbledore laughed as he got up and approached the desks.

- You have too many applicants to warm my half of your bed," Gellert said evil. - Knowing your special treatment of some of your students.

- You're talking about Newt," said Albus, guessing as he looked at the walls of the classroom. - You must understand that this is different. He is just an amazing young man who is not understood by society, and I want to help him. How you once helped me. But that doesn't mean I have the same attitude to him as to you. Believe me, I am not going to call him to bed.

- So the threat wasn't serious? - I was angry with Green de Wald. - You're a fucking manipulator.

- I'm learning from you," laughed Albus. - And, learning from you, I'll be kind today and even warm up your half.

- Then tomorrow your favorite students will be tortured and fought again," smiled the Green de Wald. - And don't hope that next time you can make me do something so easily.

- Let's see, Herr Green de Wald.