Inertial field generators turned out to be very large and energy-hungry, so the only ship of non-special construction, which allowed to install and use the generator right away, was the flagship of the Martian squadron "Resolute". And the experience of its pilots and the quality of their neural interfaces made it possible just to rush to the test.
- All that remains to be done is to check this generator in running mode. - said the captain of the flagship Ian Boyce.
He was answered by an unfamiliar voice of Neriya:
- You will have such an opportunity, captain. We are receiving a broadcast from the Earth. - The download window appeared on the opened virtual screen.
Not far from the Earth, just outside Station 9, there were two ships hanging. Many people already know alien ships, light action movies, and modified trucks. Wait, why is there a Terra-Nova emblem on board the truck? And what is this "house" above it?!
- Says Kaiden Allenco's Systems Alliance spokesman! - The person who appeared in the frame was definitely standing in the cabin of the alien ship, and the cabin definitely belonged to the same truck. - I am officially authorized to offer the Earth to join the Alliance! Human civilization should be a part of the Citadel space, not a part of the back door!
- And how many systems does the Alliance include? - was asked by someone who remained invisible.
- Everyone belonging to galactic humanity! Terra-Nova and Eden-Prime!
- There's a third definitely unnecessary one in their Duet," someone behind Neria muttered.
- And what does your proposal include?
- The earth and all its possessions are part of the Alliance, now committed to obey the decisions of the Citadel Council and the highest government bodies of the Alliance, instead of gaining access to the cultural and scientific riches of Citadel space...
- That's enough. What are the alternatives, Mr. Kaiden?
- The alternative is to deprive the Earth of any possibility of influencing other civilizations. Anyone. There can only be one humanity in space.
- Mr. Cayden, don't be so tough and categorical. It is always possible to agree on a mutual benefit, - next to one window opened the second, which manifested the turquoise Azari. - I am Celeste T'Neera, and I am the Citadel Council ambassador to the Alliance. And I promise to help you with the resolution of all the issues that displease you and us.
- I agree with you, dear Celestia," Kayden humbly bowed his head. - But I doubt we will be able to reach an agreement. Therefore, in 11 hours, I am waiting for the signing of an ultimatum and full access to the management of the Earth's Cosmoflot. Otherwise, we will start destroying your Cosmoflot.
- You are reasonable, - Azari broke her hands. - You can agree...
- Cayden Alenko, the end of a communication.
Ships of human Cosmoflot could not appear at the Earth earlier than a month later. Their fastest spaceship could provide exactly this speed of flight. The strangers planned everything perfectly...
Resolute coped in eight hours. Most of them were spent preparing the start. Three hours were left before the ultimatum expired.
It wasn't a FTL flight anyway. The maximum speed of the Resolution was supposed to be about two-thirds of the light, but it would have taken a plasma shield to be fully energized. The captain weighed it all up and decided to take a risk - not at full throttle. At half the speed of light.
At such a speed from Mars to Earth, now separated by the Sun, with Mercury's maneuver and an attempt to hide behind the Moon, it would take an hour to get there. Unseen.
They did it.
Celeste T'Neera looked at the earth ship with childish indignation. How dare they at all! How... How could they do that? The Council did not pass on the technology of mass effect to Earth or Cosmoflot, only the Alliance was allowed to buy one truck! On credit!
A huge ship, comparable only to the "Way of Destiny" or "Sword of Justice", braked perfectly - just a few hundred meters from the Alliance's ship. Even more perfect - the engine torch worked perfectly for the missing main caliber guns on their ship, selling all its gigawatts of power in the stream of hard radiation...
The radiation that hit the Alliance mercenary ship!
In principle, the protection of the outdated batarian frigate "Tunerron" could withstand such a blow, whether it be laser or kinetic ... But not a beam one.
The frigate's shell swelled and burst, returning the absorbed tons of TNT equivalent to space. Outside, some bruises flew out, apparently by the crew of the spaceship...
- Not a tenant, - said Benezia T'Laurie, captain of the yacht.
- And what do they do? - Celestia asked, watching the earth ship turn its massive nose around on them. - They don't have the main caliber.
- They have missiles," Benezia disparaged. - So, you see, they launch... Atame! These are not missiles. They are exolutes!
That's right. Strange cars, a hybrid of a combat robot and a spacesuit, were heading confidently to the wreckage of Tunerron, to the Alliance's ambassadorial truck, and...