From unpleasant mention a fellow winded a chairman, from her just complete conversation. He stood in a small park. Exactly here once there were ruins of old lock and gates forged by iron thoughtfully looked in dove-coloured distance. Once here. Eh, why to think, that was here once, if you will not see it never, and the best and most expensive in the world textbook will not pass even, will not recreate in your imagination that was buried by centuries. Sometimes. By centuries.
He skipped ancient ruins, looked carelessly on the table that talked fastened on them : "Sight of antiquity, bits and pieces of fortification building of ХІІ, - ХІІІ of century, is guarded by the state"., passed in a deaf avenue and went down on lava. Home it was quite not desirable to go.
Quietly and uninhabited it was in a public garden. A sun cauterized not auterm. Oleksij growing languid was thoughtful.
Actually, conversation with a teacher violated him psychical equilibrium. Today, once again for years happy carefree childhood, Oleksij was again captured by sense of doom. Studying was not desirable, and it walked around nobody. Even if was not it desirable one time per a week not to execute lessons on a next day, nobody will even think to ask you: would you "like not to teach mathematics"?, Would you "like today not to go to school"?. No, it is sufficient to dream about it. But by a duty each is to ask: "And you learned lessons already, that go to the cinema"?, "Well that, many two did pick" up?.
To him at first uncomfortably it was heard such questions - he blushed and did not know that to answer.
He rose and slowly went out into the side of house. Time flew up unnoticed, and Oleksij got to the paternal house. Every time, when he touched doors to this portal in his overfilled sense of weightlessness and heartfelt presentation. On a kitchen already a mother expected with glass of the cacao and pancakes. Smell of on all rooms, therefore he not lost to time, gave up a brief-case in a corner, but waded in dinner.
- As did a day pass? - a mother asked tender voice.
- Ouch, and well. As usual. - Oleksij answered.
He did not like to tell about the problems to nobody. Even to the parents. Oleksij considered that this will be new do for native. Although, he wronged deeply. Quickly dining he waded in reading of duty novel. They enticed him to itself the unbelievable turns of fate and enthralling plot. He raved trips. Was he often asked by class-mates: "What you so like adventure works and why do you want to travel"?, on what Oleksij was able never to find an answer, and shrugged only. He and clearly did not understand it.
If understood, then not to the end. Somewhere deeply in the soul it was his calling. Again conducts after a book all spare time. He was sufficiently such dreamer, in fact substantially differed from the yearlings. While those played a court at a ball, he helped a mother and because tried to write a book, in that described all adventures that he would like to outlive in the life, and this sometimes. Today all was somehow other gates. He did not help to clean to the mother tableware from table, that already became tradition for them. Did not help a dad with masculine work on a house. He was not yourself today. Maybe, on him today so conversation influenced with a class leader, and maybe and absence of good, true friend. Low-spirited to all, that today happened he goes to the bookshelf, and returns a chairman to the window. Outside already night.
- Why did time fly so soon? - he asks yourself. But does not notice that it already 2 so. Every evening the same words. The same ideas are in a head.
Ideas that changed his morning cardinally sneaked in the dream of Oleksij. A look was stopped for the neatly made textbooks and notebooks. It winnowed the compelled sadness.
- Оh, again. Again severe discipline and reproofs. On very acquaintance and native voice his room was entered the by strict, but with unconcealed tenderness in eyes the most expensive man. Mother. Family and family were for him most expensive in life. Though he lived quite small, comparatively with his grandmother, just 12 unhappy on his words years. In such small he realized already, that for him more main all.
- to Sonny. - a mother said quietly, remedying a shawl on magnificent curly hair that for always some reason plaited in a густу-прегусту braid. - As I understand you. In life not all is folded how we wanted.
- So. I know it. But for some reason my teacher does not think so. She dose to do what I quite not want.