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Zero waste life

Eco-mining: how not to create a lake of waste


We know, some of you will find it strange just to call them by their name, but we will have to face them for the rest of our lives which is worth getting used to. Boys: don't worry, menstruation is not contagious, you too will get used to it like our fellow patients.

It is estimated that a woman in her lifetime uses at least 12,000 absorbents, going to spend up to 3500 euros, and it is absurd to think that at each cycle you lose only 30-40 milliliters of blood, as much as a shot, with an average of 24 liters total in a lifetime.

In Italy, the 700,000 tons of disposable absorbent products for the person (baby diapers, diapers, pads, and internal pads) that end up in landfill once used represent 2.5% of municipal solid waste (ISPRA 2013) and an even greater percentage when compared to the total of non-treatable waste.


There are ecological alternatives, and we would like to introduce them to you.


Same as normal absorbents, they are softer and more comfortable, without substances or plastic inside.

We recommend that you check for "compostable" certification because labels often have misleading green and biodegradable words on them, but this does not mean that they can be transferred to the wet bin.


Created in natural fabrics, from cotton to bamboo fiber, the washable pads are attached to the underwear with small buttons and are available in various sizes and colors.

Unlike conventional pads, washable pads prevent intimate parts from coming into contact with plastics and chemicals, avoiding the creation of an environment conducive to the proliferation of bacterial colonies that irritate.

They can be pre-treated with Marseille soap and cold water, washed in the washing machine (but not at high temperatures, which tend to fix the stains) and, possibly, spread in the sun.

Outside the house you just need to bring a comfortable and discreet "wet bag", that is, a waterproof bag to store absorbents to use and especially those used.


Its appearance is reminiscent of a small funnel and its function is that of a coffee cup, made of medical silicone or other safe material, is used to collect blood, rather than absorb it.

It lasts for years, in fact taking care of it is very simple: for normal daily hygiene it is sufficient to wash it with a mild detergent or just water, and it can be kept up to a maximum of 8/10 hours before being emptied.

For a deeper cleaning between one cycle and the next, boil it in water, the microwave is also fine, for five minutes, to disinfect it.

You save, because compared to previous calculations on disposable, with a cup of 20-30 euros you can get to spend up to €250 during your life fertile. It's comfortable: if well positioned you can't move, you can't see it under your clothes, it allows you to bathe in peace.

From different experiences, it turns out that:

its use is not immediate: some get used to it immediately, those who a few months to use it to perfection, but do not give up, it will be worth it.

you have to find the most suitable cup: many factors influence the choice, generally speaking, those who are younger and / or had no parts can choose the smallest sizes and those over 30 years old, children, can opt for a larger.

The more sporty (or those who have the most toned pelvic floor) will choose stiffer cups, such as those who often have inflammation and / or irritation a softer.

It should not be chosen based on your menstrual flow but based on your anatomy.

- Who can use it and who can't?

It can also be used by the virgin unless for personal reasons you prefer to keep intact the hymen, which we remind you may not be there of course.

It cannot be used by those who have recently had abortions or other particular medical conditions, especially if they affect the area, for example, operations involving the neck of the uterus, or in the case of condylomas to avoid self-counterfeiting or even in the case of active vulvar/vaginal infections.


Still little known, the absorbent underwear combines the practicality of a slip with the absorbency of multiple pads.

It is used alone or as a support for cups and washable.

It is not noticeable under the clothes and does not clutter, to ensure absolute comfort.

And what do you choose? We hope that you will give at least one of these alternatives a chance.