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Nature is one of the spheres of being, a natural part of the world, the habitat of man.

In ancient times, the forces of nature were personified in the images of gods, people felt their weakness in opposing them.
In ancient thinking, nature was understood as a mobile whole, and man as one of its parts. The ideal was to live in harmony with nature. Naturalistic theories that exaggerated the dependence of society on nature (Hippocrates, Herodotus) began to develop

To denote the ordered unity of the world, in contrast to chaos, Pythagoras introduced the concept of space, the main feature of which was considered the harmony of spheres. In religious-idealistic philosophy the cosmos was either linked to the creator or considered pantheistically.

In the Middle Ages, nature was put lower than man, because the latter was thought of as an image and likeness of God, as a crown of creation and king of nature. It was believed that the divine plan was embodied in nature.

In the Renaissance, man discovered beauty in nature. The unity of man and nature was emphasized. This idea was developed in the New Age.

Ш. Montesquieu believed that the socio-political structure of the state, religious and other ideas, the form of the family, the customs of people, the laws of their development are determined by the nature of the surface of the Earth, the soil and especially the climate. "Man, - wrote P. Golbakh in his work "System of Nature", - is a work of nature, he exists in nature, is subject to its laws. Nature, like man, does not contain any permanent forms, is subject to continuous change.

The representative of the pleiad of German classical philosophy F. Schelling asserted the idea of nature's productivity, wrote about the stages of its forms' ascent, about the variety of reasons in nature.

Hegel believed that nature combines necessity and chance, it is the birth of an inner idea in the bosom of an inner idea, and it ascends "by stages of development".

According to JI. Feierbah, nature has grounds "not in thoughts or intentions and decisions of will, but in astronomical or cosmic, mechanical, chemical, physical, physiological or organic forces or reasons".

L.I. Mechnikov made an attempt to consider the starting positions of civilization development depending on the peculiarities of the hydrosphere.

V.O. Kliuchevskyi argued about the influence of rivers on the social life of the eastern Slavs: the scattering of rivers and the proximity of river basins at the same time determined the centrifugal trend and the state union.

Classics of Marxism emphasized the connection between man, nature and society, nature and history, pointed to the purposeful nature of the impact on nature, warned that it is impossible to exaggerate the conscious beginning. Often people take into account only the first, most obvious result, not knowing how to foresee the distant consequences that often destroy the achieved. This is seen in the example of the destruction of arable forests in Mesopotamia.

Marx singled out:

a) natural sources of human means of life (wild plants, fruits, animals, etc.);

b) natural riches, which are the objects of labor (coal, oil, falling water, wind energy, etc.).

The first type of wealth is especially important for the start of civilization, and the second type is for a highly developed society.

The problem of human unity with space was discussed by the cosmists of the XIX-XX centuries. According to K.E. Tsiolkovsky, the mind and creativity will lift a man into space, where his physical nature will change with time, he will come closer to the higher organisms that inhabit the interstellar space.

Vernadsky believed that earthly life is unique, it is a necessary tool to retain and transform the planet's space (primarily solar) energy, and a man endowed with reason is responsible for the preservation of life.

A. JI. Chizhevsky discovered that biological and psychological aspects of earthly life are related to physical phenomena of space: each living cell reacts to "space information". The very appearance of life on Earth is a product of the activity of the entire space. The scientist pointed out the influence of solar radiation on the viability of microorganisms, the state of human cardiovascular and nervous systems, blood circulation, the development of epidemics, etc. In order to perform the cosmic function of the avant-garde of living matter, a human being should not stand in place of the intermediate physical and spiritual status he now finds himself in, he should ascend, following the law of evolution.

Philosophical thought notes the dual role of nature in relation to man. The power of nature is blind, wrote N.F. Fedorov, until we are unreasonable. "Nature is our temporary enemy, and our friend is eternal because there is no eternal enmity, and the elimination of the temporary is our task.

At the dawn of the XX century nature was considered by A.A. Bogdanov (1873 - 1928) as an enemy and at the same time full of mysterious charm of each other. According to the scientist, cooperation with nature becomes a necessary addition to "friendly cooperation". Bogdanov was the first to outline the possibilities of peaceful use of atomic energy and was the first to warn mankind about the danger of atomic destruction. 
Methodologically, they are erroneous as exaggerating.

man and nature
man and nature
