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Tips for Life

Self-development plan

Image by <a href="https://pixabay.com/users/geralt-9301/?utm_source=link-attribution&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=1995786">Gerd Altmann</a> from <a href="https://pixabay.com/?utm_source=link-attribution&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=1995786">Pixabay</a>
Image by <a href="https://pixabay.com/users/geralt-9301/?utm_source=link-attribution&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=1995786">Gerd Altmann</a> from <a href="https://pixabay.com/?utm_source=link-attribution&amp;utm_medium=referral&amp;utm_campaign=image&amp;utm_content=1995786">Pixabay</a>

Hello, my dear subscribers.

Today we will talk to you about self-development. What is self-development?

Self-development is a person's mental or physical development through self-study and exercise. Self-development is influenced by a large group of factors: individual characteristics, age, relationships with others, professional activity, family relations. Self-development through continuous learning is a fundamental strategy for successful living.
Wiktionary: https://ru.wikipedia.org

I think a lot of you wanted to do your development, but you didn't know where to start? And you don't know how to do that, do you?

Self-development is the movement of the soul, mind and body forward. Let's consider the plan of self-development consisting of the first seven steps.

7 steps to self-development

1 - Develop curiosity.

Ideally, you should be interested in everything. The more knowledge you have, the wider your perception of the world. Do you know what preference or foxtrot is? The first time you hear the word "? Have you forgotten what "Pavlov's dog" is and what is the name of the fourth planet from the Sun? Can't find Dominicana on the map? Go to the Internet! Fortunately, in our information age, the answer to any question can be found in seconds.

Are you asking why you need it? Not to be indifferent to the world. To expand your horizons. To maintain interest in life and awareness. But don't strain yourself - you don't need to look for certain facts and even more so to study them. Everything you need will come to you and will be remembered. Just when you suddenly have a question, do not be lazy to find an answer to it, even if it seems trifling.

2 - Read books.

Modern detectives, ladies' novels and fantasy - do not count. If you want to find and understand something important for yourself, to become more literate, interesting and versatile person - just read the classics. Yes, there will be no noticeable and quick changes. But gradually you will have depth, thinking and the ability to introspect. You can try all the ways of self-development, but reading will remain the most faithful of them.

3 - Go in for sports.

How to engage in self-development? Start with your body. Yes, it's pattern advice. But this is a real self-development. You will constantly overcome yourself. You will start to feel differently. You will be proud of yourself. You will find a way out of all negative emotions. You will feel constant vigour. You will learn that fatigue can be pleasant and can give energy.

4 - Start living consciously.

What does this mean? It's hard to explain, it has to be felt. For example, you go to work. There are a lot of confusing thoughts in your head, a look under your feet... And suddenly you stopped and thought - what a beautiful park, what a clean sky, what fresh air... How many people around you... You suddenly realized that you are here, you live, you breathe... You will understand when you learn it. Develop awareness, do not do anything on the machine. You will get out of the state of eternal sleep, eternal hurry or vice versa, eternal laziness. Look around. It is important to look and see.

5 - Determine your dreams and goals.

It is impossible to live blindly. You need to see the road at least a hundred meters ahead. It is necessary to see further than the nose, than the next weekend and an evening campaign in shop. It is necessary to turn on the light in a dark corridor, instead of sneaking through to the touch. It is necessary to orientate on a map, instead of to float on a current. Make lists. Lists of desires and dreams for a month, a year, five years in advance. Just write them down in a column and read them regularly.

6 - Find your meaning in life.

Otherwise, your life will be empty. Try to make it as worthy as possible. Ideally, your sense of life should bring joy to both you and others. Reflections on what is the meaning of life and how to find it here.

7 - Get to know different religions and esoterics.

Why? Again, to broaden your perception of the world. All religions talk about the same thing, just do it in different ways. You can choose what is closer and more understandable, but you should not blindly believe in one thing. For example, get to know Buddhism, the most loyal religion in the world. Maybe you will find something special and necessary for you there. And esotericism will help you to think even wider. Even if you do not believe in anything, even if you are a cynic and nihilist, it is worth a little step back from the usual judgments, give up categorical and get acquainted with something new.

Acting on the above specific algorithm, you can make the first 7 steps of self-development. The route, of course, everyone will have its own, but the plan of self-development will be useful to you.

Peace and goodness to you!