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Child and adult psychology

Sick need for love - Part one

There is no doubt that protecting yourself from anxiety is critical to the lives of many people. Some people's main desire is to gain love or be recognized to meet this desire, but they do not go all out. Some people do everything, that is, they tend to obey, give up and don't take any self-affirming steps. The pursuit of certain people in the hope of success, power or wealth. Some people tend to be isolated from others and gain independence from others.

However, people may ask a question, which I believe reflects the desire and effort to reflect the protective effects of basic anxiety. Is this wording correct? Are they not instinctual work that someone can do in the normal range? The error of this question is incorrect because it takes one or two forms. In fact, these two views are neither contradictory nor mutually exclusive. In each of us, the desire for love, the desire for obedience, the desire for success and success, and the retreat mentality can be manifested in various combinations without signs of neurosis.

Moreover, one or the other of these trends may also be dominant attitudes or trends in a particular culture. This fact will once again show that these trends are likely to be the normal potential of people. The tendency to care shows the tendency of maternal love and the desire to obey the desires of others. The accepted behavioral pattern, the tendency to be born or withdrawn, is the main psychological trend of Buddhism.

The purpose of this concept is not to deny the normal nature of these internal trends, but to show that all these internal trends can be used to provide comprehensive anti-anxiety protection. Moreover, after obtaining this protection, they changed their characteristics and became completely different. You can borrow a metaphor to explain this difference clearly. To test our strength and ability, we can climb the tree to see the aerial view or climb the tree because the beast is chasing it.
In both cases, we all climb trees, but the motivation for climbing trees is completely different. In the first case, we climbed the tree out of fear, and in the second case, we had to do it because of fear. The first case, whether we want to climb the tree, our freedom is complete. In the second case, we must do so because of the urgent need. In the first case, we can find the tree that best suits our intentions. In the second case, we have no choice but to climb the tree immediately, and even if it protects itself from the target attack, it may not even be a tree, but a flagpole or house.
Differences in motivation and motivation can also lead to differences in feelings and behavior. If we are driven by a direct desire for satisfaction, our attitude will include a kind of spontaneity and selectivity, but if we are driven by anxiety, we will feel obsessive and indiscriminate.
Of course, there are many transitional stages. In some instinctive impulses, such as hunger and libido, this physiological stress can reach a level that can be met because it is subjected to physiological stress to a large extent. To a certain extent, a road is characterized by obsession and open-mindedness, which should be a motivational feature that is constrained by anxiety under normal circumstances.

In addition, there are differences in satisfaction. In general, there is a difference between happiness and security. However, this difference is not as obvious as it seems at first glance. The satisfaction of an instinctive drive (such as hunger or libido) should be happy, but if the body pressure is suppressed, the satisfaction gained will be very similar to the satisfaction gained from anxiety relief. In both cases, unbearable stress can occur. In addition, in terms of strength, happiness and security are equally strong. Sexual satisfaction, although different in type, can be as strong as a person suddenly releasing from euro anxiety. Often, the desire for safety can be as strong as the desire for instinct and can cause the same strong satisfaction.

The pursuit of security also includes other minor issues. For example, in addition to gaining security, you can greatly satisfy the feeling of being loved or appreciated, successful or influential.

To be continued https://zen.yandex.ru/profile/editor/id/5d6103cdc31e4900ad8a43b8/5d944dc1e882c300ae73946c/edit
