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Fantastic stories


Continuation. Read Part 1 here Part 2 here


- What a Mogar, in Fae's name! - Erin outragedly cried out and hurriedly bit her tongue: it was blasphemy to pronounce the name of the god who had patronized their Academy in vain and brought her to punishment. However, now it seemed that no one paid attention to this. The rector, who had summoned Erin into his office a few minutes earlier, was walking around the room, giving the impression that he was nervous. The girl swallowed, imagining the reason why this man was usually so calm.

Professor Tadeusz finally slowed his steps and stopped at his desk.

- You know how important an alliance with Moghar is to the Light Council.

Erin nodded. Of course, she didn't know that. Everyone was shouting that the ruler of Moghar, Prince Soman, was under the influence of Clyde, the Council's high priest. Clyde's intention was to gain power over the emperor, who had the prince's own son, through Soman. And if he succeeds, the entire state will be ruled by the full and undivided power of the Bright Council.

- Well," the professor continued, making sure that Erin came out of her thoughts, "and the priest offered us help.

- What kind of help? - A young witch asked with suspicion. The man shook his shoulders.

- They will send you one of their mercenaries, who will be responsible for making sure that you reach the goal.

- So I don't get killed on the way? - The girl specified. The man reluctantly nodded.

- Well, yes, if you like this formulation better.

Erin didn't like anything he heard at all. Why did they choose her to go to Mogar? As far as she remembered, Academy graduates were always trained for important missions. The professor flatly refused to explain his choice, and this further alerted the girl. However, they don't argue with the management, especially when you are promised an expulsion from the school in case of disobedience.

- And another thing," said the professor, as if by the way, the drumming of fingers on the table. - The Shadow Council also intends to send someone with you.

After that, Erin wanted to get out of here on his own. And as soon as possible. The Shadow Council was the eternal opponent of the Bright One, and if the second was interested in her successfully reaching Mogar, the first one pursued the opposite goals. So... Erin pale and fainted. So, one of her companions will be hunting for her head. "A nice perspective, you can't say anything.

- I guess you couldn't find the strength to turn them down," she said, spitting on decency. The professor turned his back before she could see the guilty smile on his face.

- You see. - He took over," he said, "the situation was such that I...

- Okay," Erin waved, uninvited, "into the big chair," he said. I understand you just don't want to spend the rest of your life in the dungeons. I hope that the bright mercenary will fulfill his task with honor, and I will not have to...

Her proposal was interrupted by the squeak of the open door. Professor Tadeusz jumped his head and a smile appeared on his lips.

- And here are your companions," he said in a flattering voice. Erin thought it would be rude if she didn't turn around. Hey, you know, she didn't want to say hello to her killer at all. But the professor thought otherwise.

- Erin," he grabbed her by the shoulder and almost pulled her out of the chair by force. - Greet our dear guests.

"Of course, the darlings: they must have been paid so much for this mission. With a sigh, Erin threw the rector's hand off her shoulder and raised her head.

Right in front of her, at 10 o'clock, were two women. The girl, ignoring the professor's warning look, collapsed into the chair again. This time with a firm intention not to get up from there. Because she knew exactly who these women were. Erin was doomed to cover her eyes.

Each Council had its own personal murder squad. Their members tended to disappear after a certain period of time, but new members always came in their place. And they were always women. Both Clyde and Ziona, the high priestess of the Shadow Council, somehow considered them more skilled killers than men. The men in the Soviets did other things. And Erin admitted that that was now her worst-case scenario. You could try to seduce a man, play for pity, after all. But there was no pity in the eyes of the two mercenaries facing her. Erin couldn't even figure out which one of them was here to kill her. They kept it exactly the same: both tall, alone, blonde, slightly lower than the other, brunette with blue eyes, so bright that Erin caught herself looking at them for an indecently long time. Once she had managed to turn her back, she plunged herself into thinking again. Very unhappy thoughts.

To be continued...