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My opinion

Gondolin blade. Part 2

Hello, my relative Tuck!

Were you surprised that I guessed the last name? It wasn't really hard. After all, Tuck is the most curious hobbits in the entire Shire and are known for their interest in the history of not only their country but also the Middle East as a whole. Brandybacks are also curious, but their interests are different. And my relatives on the part of my dad always thought I was a freak, so they probably wouldn't ask Dunadan about Jalo either.

A pity... You know, my dear cousin, this sword was, after the Ring, the strangest thing in my life. Even the Mythril ring seemed more ordinary, though I looked pretty weird in it. But the sword... There was something magical about it. It was like he had a soul of his own.

When Gandalf came out of the cave with swords in his hands, everyone noticed only these two glorious ones - Gladring and Orchestrus. Dwarves don't always appreciate elven weapons - some of them find them too sophisticated to fight. As Balin said - the weapon is not to please the eyes, but only to scare the enemy.

I do not know how the other swords of elves - but these two really scared the orcs and goblins. And the dwarves finally appreciated them - and Thorin accepted the Orchestra as his sword, although at first, he did not want to take it in his hands ...

After my trip to Erebor, I was a frequent guest in Rivendell and read a lot about elf weapons. And I saw that the blades of later epochs were quite different from my Pity. I asked Elrond many times, but he didn't want to talk about it first.

- Why do you need it, Bilbo? - He asked. - Elves have many other things to do that are much more beautiful than their weapons. And trust me - this world would be a much better and more beautiful place if the nostrils hadn't believed Morgotte, who long ago advised them to forge the first swords - the ones with which they later killed their twin televisions in Alqualonde during their flight from Valenor.

Of course, I didn't give up. And Elrond finally showed me the ancient records of the First Era and one of the most beautiful cities in the Mediterranean - Gondolin.

These, I believe, are the only records in the Middle-earth that speak of these memorable times.

So, you already know something about Glamdringa and Orchestrus. During our first visit to Rivendell, Lord Elrond said their names and origins, but that wasn't all.

Both blades were forged by Enerdill of Gondolin, a famous blacksmith, whom many said his talent was almost equal to that of Féanor himself. Enerdil was one of those Noldor who willingly collaborated with the Gnome blacksmiths from Nogrod and Belegost. Both he and the other blacksmiths who followed Fingolfin had great respect for the gnomes because of their art in metalworking. The dwarves also respected them and gradually revealed their secrets to them.

At that time, Enerdil discovered the secret of forging very light but strong and incredibly sharp blades that never rusted or blunted - and yet had very interesting properties. One of them was the blue glow when there were orcs or goblins nearby.

The dwarfs did not approve of these experiments by Enerdil - they considered them an empty waste of valuable metal. And they believed that only heavy weapons solve the result of the battle, and the blades of Enerdil seemed too light to them. Nevertheless, both dwarves and elves were pleased with the results of the cooperation, because Enerdil and his twins discovered many secrets, still unknown to dwarfs - and they did not hide them to their fellow blacksmiths.

After Dagore Aglarreb, when Turgon announced his plans to build a city in the Tumblyon Valley, Enerdil and his two brothers were the first to want to go with him and the other blacksmiths. They said goodbye to their king Finrod, who had been very reluctant to let them go, as well as to their Dwarf friends from Nogrod, who had given them many precious metal ores from their mines.

At first, Enerdil was busy with other things - the construction of the city lasted fifty-two years, and then the blacksmiths had a lot of work to do. Of course, Thurgon did not forget about the protection of the closed city and the weapons for guards - but everything changed only after the battle of Dagore Bragollah. Although I think that changed when Maeglin, son of Aredelie and Eola, arrived in Gondolin.