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Regional policy

In modern science there are several approaches to understanding regional policy:
1) relationalistic
2) Structurally functional
3) activity

1 - Regional policy is a diverse world of social relations and communication about the power and management of a large territorial society;
2 - Regional policy - is a subsystem of the regional community, which performs the functions of reproduction and production of mandatory norms of life activity for the community and ensures the implementation of common goals;
3 - regional policy - this is the activity of public authorities in the management of the region

In my opinion, the most productive approach is the activity approach, since regional policy is a subjective phenomenon and this approach reveals the content of this approach in the most accurate way.

Regional policy is a concept for the activities of public authorities in the management of a region, which is characterized by the following features:
1) territorial integration
2) resource mobilization
3) regulation of all public relations in the region

Within the framework of the activity approach, two aspects are highlighted in regional policy:
1) Exogenous
2) endogenous

1 - the regional policy is implemented by the central state authorities taking into account the interests of regional development. It represents targeted actions of the state aimed at balancing the conditions of activity of the regions and their results, increasing the efficiency of the use of aggregate regional resources and opportunities, creating conditions for increasing the efficiency of activities of individual regions.
2 - regional policy pursued by local public authorities independently, taking into account the national interests, aimed at the most efficient use of all resources of the region to improve the welfare of the population, ensure its safety, improve the environment, and develop economic and social infrastructure.


Currently, the following types of regional policy are highlighted:
1. Social policy - the aim is to improve the welfare and meet the needs of the population, creating approximately the same living opportunities for all citizens.
2. economic policy - includes budgetary and tax policy, creation and implementation of targeted programs, use of natural resources, deployment of productive forces, management of the society structure.
3. scientific and technical policy is expressed in the definition of the main directions of investment activity, creation of favorable conditions for innovations, development of high technology products, minimization of the consequences of scientific and technical progress.
4. Demographic policy is connected with the solution of such problems as formation of proportional age and sex structure of the population, implementation of social measures stimulating birth rate, etc.
5. environmental policy - is to create safe living conditions for people and restore the natural environment.
6. Humanitarian policy is aimed at formation of initiative personality, upbringing of national and patriotic duty, revival of national and cultural foundation of the society.
7. National policy is aimed at implementing the constitutional, political, economic and social rights and freedoms of peoples.

Structural heterogeneity of the Russian space, which is manifested in various levels of socio-economic development, natural resource potential, and production specialization of the regions, determines the peculiarities of regional policy in Russia. The directions of regional policy in Russia are not standard for all regions, they are coordinated on the basis of the peculiarities of the regions.
One of the problems of regional policy implementation in Russia is the problem of divergence in the tasks of regional policy between the central and regional authorities. If the task of the "center" is to overcome various disproportions in the socio-economic development of the regions, the task of local authorities is to make the region advanced. Therefore, support from central and local authorities is needed.