Hundreds of thousands of ambiguous situations are created on the roads every day, many of which lead to accidents. Danger can arise from both the driver's actions and the road situation. In today's selection we will look at several potentially dangerous situations on the road, and how to behave in them to avoid accidents.
1. overtaking
Overtaking is the most dangerous manoeuvre you can make on public roads. And, perhaps, the most dangerous of all car maneuvers. The greatest danger during overtaking is a head-on collision, because in almost one hundred percent of cases it is a fatal accident for all participants.
Interesting fact: Many professional riders note that they experience much less fear during racing at crazy speeds than the most ordinary overtaking on the track. That's because when overtaking, the driver needs to drive into the oncoming traffic lane.
There are two main types of overtaking. The first is the so-called "overtaking at the end", when the speed of the overtaking is much higher than the speed of the overtaken one. For such overtaking, the safe distance must be 4-4.5 times the overtaking speed. For example, to overtake the machine at 100 km/h, 400-450 m is required. The second type of overtaking is overtaking, waiting for the overtaking car to overtake at a speed equal to that of the overtaken car. This type of overtaking is more dangerous and should be avoided at all. For it, the distance coefficient will increase to 5-5.5.
The safe distance to the oncoming machine should be twice as large as the calculated overtaking distance. This manoeuvre should only be carried out with good visibility, making sure that the distance to the "encounter" is sufficient. It is not necessary to overtake on an ascending and before turning with limited visibility. Also, before overtaking you should look in the mirror - whether you are overtaking.
It is dangerous to overtake after a car that is already overtaking, because it is also impossible to see the situation ahead. The driver of this car calculates the distance only for his car, and when he returns to his lane, you will be only in front of the overtaken car, that is - in the most dangerous phase of overtaking, and the distance to the "meeting" will be insufficient. Therefore, overtaking should be performed only if you are clearly sure that all safety conditions are met. The main rule here: "Do not see, do not overtake!
2. Driving to the wingmen
Often on the highways and almost constantly in the city there are situations when you need to follow someone for a long time. In this case, it is necessary to keep a clear distance and keep a good look. It is believed that the safe distance to the leading car is equal to half the speed. Remember the same calculations for overtaking and we get that at a speed of 60 km / h it will be safe to keep a distance of 30 m.
The distance is clear, and what it means to "keep an eye on". The point is that keeping an eye on the driving skills is a separate and very important topic. In short, in the stream you need to look not only at the stern in front of the car, but also to look for it. In case of some problems, a sharp stop of the flow will not catch you by surprise.
3. Crossroads passage
Standing at an intersection before turning left, you shouldn't turn the steering wheel beforehand. After all, if a car enters the back of you, which is quite possible that it will push you straight to the oncoming lane in the middle of the intersection. And it is very dangerous. Therefore, you should wait for the turn at the intersection only with "straight" wheels, and the steering wheel should be rotated while driving.
4. Driving - drive
A modern man can do a lot of things at the same time - that's the rhythm of life nowadays. However, this skill in no case should not concern driving. After all, one thing is at the same time to watch funny videos, and another thing is to drive a car in the city with a bunch of other cars in the stream and children at the pedestrian crossing. Therefore, no driving: phone calls, manicure, funny videos, singing, etc.
5. Sneezing
We do not think about how dangerous it is to sneeze while driving. After all, a person closes his eyes while sneezing for at least a second, and the car during this time at a speed of 100 km / h drives 28 m. At the same time, during sneezing, the muscles contract reflexively, which can lead to rudder twitching, which is extremely dangerous on a slippery surface. Therefore, during a severe allergy attack it is better to stay at home or go on public transport, because a simple allergy can cause a serious accident.