Hello, my dear subscribers.
Today I want to talk to you about how to find your favorite job.
For some reason, we believe that a favourite job is a luxury that not everyone can afford? Why do we believe so strongly that a sincere interest in the business is incompatible with a decent salary?
I must admit that I also used to think that only selected people with special talents could do what I love to do:
- сharismatic singers and musicians,
- are passionate scientists,
- brave astronauts
- creative stylists.
Where do I go with them, I can do nothing special - I thought. And then suddenly I realized that each of us has talents, no matter how pathos it sounds.
Talents, hidden and obvious - this is what you need to use in the work. They are given to us for a reason. Therefore, before we think about finding a job, we must first find and reveal our talents, aptitudes and interests. How? Answer the questions below.
1. Remember your childhood
What did you want to be? Which school subjects were easily given to you? Maybe you liked to draw and then forgot about it, thinking it was a useless occupation that you wouldn't earn a living in? Maybe your essays were the best in the classroom and you dreamed of becoming a writer? Or did you show the best results in physical education classes?
For example:
- If you loved and knew how to draw as a child, you can become a good web designer, make-up artist, photographer, layout and photo editor.
- If you were the best in physical education and kept fit, you can become a fitness trainer.
2. List your strengths
I'm sure you'll have at least three points. For example, sociability, logic, style, seeing beauty, love of order, literacy, organization, artistry, good physical fitness.
For example:
- A social and reasonably artistic person can be a guide, salesman, consultant or holidaymaker. Or maybe a speaker or other business trainer.
- An organized person with a strong logic can become a secretary, accountant, or lawyer.
3. Think about what you can do best?
Count, write, draw, communicate, do sports or handicrafts? If you like something, but you doubt yourself - just check yourself. Go to a master class on a selected topic or attend an open class. Or offer someone your services free of charge. The result is not so important, because you can learn everything. The main thing is to make you feel the great pleasure of the process.
For example:
- Anyone who loves handicrafts and has golden hands can turn into a handmade master, who will create pieces of exclusive products or conduct lessons batik, fusing, decoupage or felting. Skilful handles will also be used in hairdressing or massage.
- A person who can write correctly, think coherently and move away from templates - a future copywriter, blogger, journalist, correspondent or author of written training and manuals.
Your desire to "want your favourite work" is not a whim, it is normal. This is what you deserve.
Of course, nothing happens for nothing. After you find your talent, you will need to work on it. Fortunately, now there are a lot of available courses that give not only the necessary skills and knowledge but also certificates and licenses.
Courses for a guide, fitness trainer, web designer, hairdresser, SEO-specialist, orator, actor, massage, makeup, photography, marketing, office work, landscape designer, driving instructor...
How do I find my favourite job? Just develop your strengths.
Some cases will require experience and a portfolio, but this problem is easily solved - at first work for free, for feedback or a token fee in your spare time. Don't you want to? So it's not yours, don't waste your time, drop the idea and look for something else.
So, the algorithm of actions:
- Identify our talents, strengths and inclinations,
- looking for a profession where they can be used,
- going to courses or reading study guides,
- working under any conditions for the sake of experience and feedback,
- fill out the portfolio and build up a client base,
- we become an expert in the chosen field,
- quit our main job and do our favourite thing.
And remember - your favourite business will always feed you. Favourite business in combination with enthusiasm will surely bring you worthy money.