-But nothing happened! I'm alive!
-Next time it could be worse, I could kill you!
-And what if the next time will not happen!
-That's why I have to leave so that the next time doesn't happen!
-Look, if you leave, I won't have to go on living. I will die anyway.
-What are you saying?!
-Haven't you understood yet? I love you!
-Lila, I love you too, and that's why I'm leaving.
-If you stay, I might die. And if you leave, I'll definitely die! So if you want me to live, you'll stay.
-I need to leave. I have to!
-Well, you can leave, but don't be surprised that if you want to go back, there will be no one to go back to. - I turned my back and walked towards the woods, and a tear ran down my cheek. But suddenly Ian blocked my way.
-Please don't go, I'm not going anywhere.
I cried, and Ian hugged me. After a while, when I had stopped crying but was still in his arms, I looked at Ian and he looked at me, then I looked down and almost immediately translated my gaze at Ian again, but before I knew it, I felt like I had been kissed. It was an unforgettable feeling. All the problems had gone somewhere far away as if we had become one. And when the kiss was over, we stayed in the hug, not daring to break away from each other.
-So you're staying? - I asked, after a long time of silence.
-Of course! How can I live without you? It's only when you're around that I feel like I live, not exist. Now I realize that all these long years of my ridiculous existence have been worth it. It was worth the meeting with you.
-Have you lived so long? It doesn't seem like it.
-You have no idea how much. - We smiled together.
-Yes? How old are you? Don't say you're over eighteen. - I smiled even more.
-Yes, and I won't have to. I'm not just over eighteen, but many more than eighteen.
-But that's not possible!
-As much as possible!
-Okay, so how old are you? Give me a number.
-Ninety-seven years old," he said and smiled sarcastically. "I was born in 1913," he added when he saw the doubt on my face.
-What can you prove? - I asked him and was released from his arms. I walked very slowly towards the forest. Ian followed me.
-Of course, if I told you the events of that time, you wouldn't believe me.
-There's no doubt you know the story well. Am I right?
-Well, yes. Then what can I prove to you?
-Well, I don't think your parents will lie to me.
-Are you asking to visit me?
-And why not?
-Perhaps I should remind you that I am a vampire, and therefore everyone in my family is a vampire. Do you want to be in a vampire's den?
-As you can see. - I laughed.
-And you're not afraid?
-No. Why should I be afraid of it, it's your family. And you are good, so all your family members are good. And in any case, you will protect me, right? - After I said that, Ian's face got darker.
-It's a huge risk. It's dangerous.
-Ian, our whole lives are in danger! According to you, I have to sit at home, close all the windows and doors, and be afraid of any rustle. Every time I cross the road or even eat, I take a risk. Maybe now the car will come out and hit me, or maybe I will eat spoiled food and get poisoned! Maybe that's why I'll stop eating and live in fear of poisoning? If I come to visit you, I risk no more than every time I cross the road.
-But I'm afraid for you, I'm afraid to lose you.
-I'll be fine with you if you're there for me, and that's all I need.
-Okay, I'll bring you to my house next weekend. I still have to prepare the whole family for your arrival.
-That's for sure.
Ian hugged me by the shoulders, and we went towards the woods.
-Where do you usually go out in the woods?
-Well, away from people.
-What are you afraid of? - I said sarcastically.
-Who are the people? Ian answered the question with a question.
-Why not? - I continued.
-Well, yes, they're so scary..." Ian looked at me, "and the defenseless at the same time," he continued and laughed. - Aren't you afraid?
-Who? Are you sarcastic again? -I answered.
-And why not? - He repeated my phrase.
-Aaaah!... - I squealed and ran into the woods, freeing myself from his arms before that. - Well, I ran into the woods before I got out of his arms. Which is plausible? - I told Ian after I was free. Then I looked back. Ian was nowhere to be found. I looked around, but I never saw him. - Ian? - I asked, and I was already a little worried. And then suddenly Ian roared out from behind a tree and ran towards me, but I thought it was slow for a vampire, and I realized he was joking, too. I ran the opposite way from him. But a few meters later, I tripped over the root of a tree and almost fell. A little bit. Ian picked me up, and I didn't even have time to touch the ground. So I was in Ian's arms.