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Fluffy Tail

Dog injuries, sprains and fractures: First aid

What do we like most about dogs? Their friendliness, devotion, sincere and disinterested love? And maybe always in a good mood and ready to play regardless of fatigue? Unfortunately, dog activity and curiosity often lead to trouble.



When you buy a puppy, make sure you have a first aid kit at home. Get bandages and healing products, antiseptics, painkillers, hair clippers and more.

Regardless of the seriousness and danger of injury, you should be able to give your dog first aid before your vet arrives.


Dog got in a fight with another dog? Did you get into a fight with a barbed wire or a nail? Maybe he managed to cut himself with a sharp object?

What to do:

Calm down the animal. Lay him down on the ground. Inspect the damage. If the wound is shallow and not wide, you can do without the help of a veterinarian, otherwise, you will have to sew it together.

Gently shave or trim the coat around the damage. Use a pair of scissors with rounded ends so as not to injure the skin. When cutting hair, cover the wound with a cotton swab to prevent hairs from getting inside.

Wash the wound with dirt and blood. Be careful when flushing off the caked blood, you can open the bleeding. Hydrogen peroxide or alcohol can be used for washing.

Treat the wound edges with antiseptic.

Be careful: if the wounds are stabbed, and not only, the external damage can be minor, while the internal organs are seriously injured. Sometimes your dog will behave calmly and will not show any signs of severe pain because of the shock.

That's why we recommend that you contact your vet for a thorough examination if you are injured.

Important information: If your dog has been injured in a fight with an unfamiliar animal and you are not sure if your opponent has been vaccinated against rabies, you will have to vaccinate him and watch him for several months. Rabies is very serious.


That doesn't mean it's okay and it doesn't hurt the dog at all. Contusions, abrasions, and bruises are not always visible at first glance, but you shouldn't joke with them.

It's very easy for a small indoor dog to get a bruise or sprain - it's not good enough to roll off the couch. Sometimes dogs get injured during games, jumps or falls.

The most common are limb wounds, when the animal presses his paw, limps, whines, and tries to move less. Sometimes the wound is accompanied by a slight swelling or swelling. When touching a damaged area, the dog will shudder with pain.

Don't try to treat your dog yourself, sometimes the wound is much more dangerous than it looks. If you feel painful, give your pet a painkiller pill. Cold is not a bad idea, but it is not a dislocation (the cold makes it harder to compress the muscles and fix the joint).

Keep your dog at rest and call in a doctor. You may have to apply a tire. In the days following the injury, it is usually advisable to warm up the affected area with a compressor or a blue lamp.


Regardless of gravity (open or closed), place your dog on a flat surface, give him painkillers and call a doctor. We do not recommend that you treat your dog yourself, as it is not uncommon for your dog to have bones that have become loose in the process. If possible, apply a tire.


When a dog is in severe pain, it can become overly aggressive towards its owner. Therefore, when trying to provide first aid, try to avoid your injuries.

Talk to your dog in a gentle, calm voice, appealing to his consciousness and memories of the owner. If necessary, tie your mouth carefully so that the dog doesn't bite you.

Important: If your dog is badly injured during his recovery, he will often use a special restraining collar to prevent him from licking his medication and scratching his wounds.

What can I do? Be careful not to hurt your dog even more and act carefully but decisively. Apply a tourniquet as needed, stop the blood, give a shot of painkiller or a pill, and take him to the doctor.

Do without the help of a specialist can only be done with the most trifling injuries, in all other cases - do not save time and money, it depends on the health and life of your favorite animal.

All a non-specialist can do is give a cure, treat a wound, and calm a dog. But sutures, antibiotics, surgery, and joint repair should be done by doctors. Do not worry, you will find a job. Most likely, in the future, you will have to wash the wounds, bandage, and help in recovery.

Be vigilant and do not allow situations where injury to your dog is unavoidable. We wish you and your pets healthy.https://petsfusion.com/news/293/travmi-rasstiajeniya-i-perelomi-y-sobaki/