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You may have heard of a phototype a lot, but what is it? And why is it important to know your own? In dermatology the phototype of a person indicates the reaction of the epidermis when exposed to ultraviolet radiation and determines the type of tan that can be achieved.

Now that summer is getting closer and closer, many people can't wait to sunbathe and give some colour to their skin, which has been covered for many months. However, the risk of sunburn is always around the corner...

To take care of your skin and behave correctly during UV exposure, it is important to know your phototype. Identifying it is quite intuitive and involves a series of elements such as the colour of the eyes, hair and skin, although to be sure it is always better to consult a dermatologist.

The skin phototype: what it is and what types exist

As mentioned, the phototype can be defined as a classification method used in dermatology to determine a person's skin type according to his sensitivity to sun exposure.

The phototype of an individual is determined by the quantity and quality of melanin (photoprotective pigment responsible for the colouring of the human skin) present in the skin, which gives it its characteristic and unique colour. The factors that influence its distribution within the skin are different and related to ethnicity, age, body region and, to a lesser extent, also to their habits and lifestyle.

Six types of phototypes have been identified in dermatology:

  • phototype 1: individuals with this phototype have blond or red hair, very light complexion, light eyes and the presence of freckles and ephelides. When they expose themselves to the sun, they easily burn and find it hard to get a tan.
  • phototype 2: individuals with phototype 2 have less photosensitivity than individuals with phototype 1 even if they also have light skin and blond or light brown hair. These people often blush after exposure to the sun and often get burned but assume a slight pigmentation.
  • phototype 3: this phototype is the most widespread in Italy and includes subjects with slightly dark complexion. They usually have brown hair, light or dark eyes. Phototype 3 is moderately hot, tans gradually taking on a light hazelnut colour.
  • Phototype 4: these people have a olive colour, dark hair and black eyes. Phototype 4 is not very hot, tans quickly until it takes on a dark hazelnut colour. It has a skin with particularly dark pigmentation that is difficult to burn.
  • phototype 5: it concerns people with dark complexion, black hair and generally brown eyes. They have skin that is naturally protected from exposure to the sun, and are almost never burned.
  • phototype 6: these subjects have very dark complexion, black hair and dark eyes. The photosensitivity of these individuals is almost nothing, they do not burn, but in case of excessive and uncontrolled sun exposure can still develop skin problems. It is therefore advisable that they also use sun filters.

There is also phototype 0 which includes people with albinism, a congenital disease characterized by the almost total absence of melanin and which results in clear eyes, hair and skin.

This classification, with the exception of phototype 0, is not always valid, in fact the discriminating factor for determining the phototype (more than the color of eyes and hair) is the color of the skin.

Skin health: sun protection based on the phototype

Solar radiation, as everyone knows, can cause real damage to the skin: not only sunburn but also skin blemishes, wrinkles and even more serious problems. For this reason, although the goal of all is to have a perfect tan, it is good not to exaggerate and use the right products for your skin type.

This is what protection factor is recommended for each phototype:

  • factor 50+ very high protection (for phototype 1);
  • factor from 50 to 30 high protection (for phototype 2, 3);
  • factor from 25 to 15 average protection (for phototype 3, 4, 5);
  • factor 10 to 6: low protection (for phototypes 5, 6).

Of course, this classification is indicative and if you do not want to run the risk of running into unpleasant surprises is better to rely on the advice of your doctor or pharmacist.

The discussion on the phototype of children, on the other hand, is very different: compared to an adult, even with the same phototype, children have a skin much more sensitive to the sun. Precisely for this reason, they should always be protected with sun filters with high protection index regardless of the phototype.

Phototype and skin care quot.