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Crazy Cherry

Day after day. Part 22


23rd day. Comfort at home (Magnus/Alec)

Magnus notes with surprise how comfortable and pleasant it has become for him to spend time in the library. If Ragnor knew about it, he would laugh in the face. No, Bane loves books, he's had a great collection over the centuries, but the magician often prefers a quiet evening among the volumes of books somewhere in the club or at a party. In the last month, Magnus has been getting less and less involved in the noisy companies, closing himself in the middle of huge shelves, immersing himself in ancient or not so much scripture. And it couldn't help but surprise.

Magnus always had a strange combination of opposites. He could not live at the same time without the shocking depraved images and with pleasure wrapped in large cozy sweaters. Without alcohol, he can not spend the day, but every morning begins with quality and delicious coffee. Clubs and parties are the essences of the Supreme Magician, which he does not hide, but there are moments when it is more pleasant for him to fall on the couch and watch "Top Model in American".

But lately, everything has been sliding down the side of cozy and quiet, not noisy and violent. Magnus laughs in his mind that it is called old age. Four hundred years he had fun in all possible manifestations of this phenomenon, and now he was ready to start knitting sweaters and socks.

Ragnor would have been delighted. Katarina laughed that he was well influenced by his hunter. Magnus agreed with her.

Alexander was woven from a cozy coziness - from the tips of black curls on the top of the head to the tips of the blood-worn fingers from training and hunting. Despite the fantastical seriousness and cold, Lightwood brought into the life of the magician a sea of warmth, which gave awkward, a little bit of fierce love and a kind of care. The young man's inexperience fascinated him, and for some reason, Magnus was pleased to slowly step by step introduce Alec into the still frightening love he was gradually beginning to understand. That's probably why the magician was adjusting to his beloved, accepting his desire for peace, in which they stayed in the loft Bane.

Turn down the huge windows, dim the lights, set up quiet music, grab a mug of hot tea for Alec and a glass of wine for Magnus - the perfect evening is ready. Awkward test touching of calloused fingers. Cheering tender smiles. The wild resolute look of blue crystal eyes from under eyebrows. Sharp kisses. Quiet laughter and strong hugs. Magnus couldn't remember what had ever happened to him. He had inexperienced lovers, but they never burned such a fire and did not have a crush on perfection. Alec was both gentle and harsh. It was surprising and enticing, and Bane was ready to play by such rules.

Magnus again exchanged the party in his club for a quiet evening surrounded by books. He drove manicured fingernails on the roots of new and old volumes, looking for the one that will share with him his forced loneliness - the hunt took from him, Alexander. The chosen one did not shine with innovation, it is an old friend from the collection, which he collected for many years. Shakespeare's collection. How many memories he has, how many victories and beautiful nights. Now everything is in the past, and all that remains is to read and reflect on how everything has changed.

The magician took over the soft chair and he conjured up his tea to fully immerse himself in the atmosphere of the old England. Still, the violin sang in the background, so definitely would have been at a reception in some mansion. But he was purring quietly under his nose and this attracted Miao, who gladly joined the quiet evening with his master. Magnus plunged into himself so much that he couldn't even notice the door squeaking barely audible and the next steps. He was distracted only when his familiar fingers were buried in his hair, and they were trying out strands of familiar uncertainty.

- I thought you were in the club now," said Alec as Magnus put the book aside. - The whole Lower World is talking about the party there.

- I decided to take a break from the noise," Bane smiled, grabbing someone else's hand, and presented it to his lips, leaving a light kiss. - I and Miao and Shakespeare were very good.

- I don't know about Shakespeare, but Miao is fine with you, too," Lightwood laughed as he watched the cat crawl off his master's lap and almost fell to the floor, but the magician's reliable hands grabbed him and begged him back.

- Would you like to join us? - Magnus cunningly asked, looking up from the bottom to the top at the hunter.

- I really want to," Alec blushed a little, and Bane noticed once again that very decisive look, as before the release of the arrow that Alexander had always given to his beloved before kissing him. Which happened at the same moment. Magnus just ran his fingers over the blushing cheekbone, encouraging the young man who was not yet determined.

- Are you happy with me?

- Oh, yes, I am.