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Karina Wirtz


source https://pixabay.com/photos/fantasy-spirit-nightmare-dream-2847724/
source https://pixabay.com/photos/fantasy-spirit-nightmare-dream-2847724/

There's no way to find someone who's never been afraid. Anxiety, anxiety, fear are as emotional and integral to our mental life as joy, admiration, anger, surprise, sadness.

Fear is an emotion familiar to everyone. It has a far greater impact on us than it seems at first glance. It is an emotion that has a significant impact on perceptual-cognitive processes, on an individual's behavior. Intense fear creates the effect of "tunneling perception", i.e. greatly limits the perception, thinking and freedom of choice of the individual. In addition, fear limits the freedom of human behavior.

Emotion of fear arises when a person is in a situation that he perceives as dangerous to his calmness and biological or social existence. Fear is a signal, a warning of impending danger, imaginary or real, in principle, it does not matter, because our body acts in the same way.

Fear exists regardless of the culture, faith and level of development of the people; the only thing that changes is the objects of fear, as soon as we think that we have won or overcome fear, there is another kind of fear, as well as other means to overcome it.

In our lives, there are a lot of fears. According to psychologists, each person has its own "set of fears", consisting of several components, many of which come from early childhood. Many people are ashamed of their fears, and instead of learning how to handle fear, they are looking for means to eliminate it, such as alcohol, drugs, medicines. In an attempt to simply eliminate, ignore, and suppress fear, one inevitably falls into error and, by propagating such ideas, leads to dead ends for those who want to learn how to handle their fear.
Fear is a mental phenomenon that any person can almost every day observe in himself. Fear is an unpleasant emotional experience when a person realizes to some extent that he or she is in danger.
Fear is a very strong emotion, experienced as an anxious feeling, anxiety. A person is increasingly insecure about his or her own well-being, and fear is experienced as a feeling of total insecurity and insecurity.
The person feels that the situation is getting out of hand. He or she feels threatened by his or her physical and/or psychological self and, in extreme cases, even threatens his or her life. Fear as the most dangerous of all emotions. Intense fear even leads to death: animals and people can be scared to death. But fear also plays a positive role: it can serve as a warning signal and change the direction of thought and behavior.
It is proved that the events related to the experience of fear are better and more durable to remember. Fear of the objects and actions that caused pain and trouble, the more useful it is to avoid them in the future. Fear is a kind of means of learning about the surrounding reality, leading to a more critical, selective attitude to it.

There are several different classifications of fear.

Real fear is a perfectly normal emotional process. It occurs in a situation of danger and helps the body to mobilize to avoid this danger. And neurotic fear is what we are used to calling a phobia; it arises when faced with situations and objects that are not actually dangerous.
Personally conditioned fear is predetermined by a person's character, such as anxiety, and can appear in a new environment or in contact with strangers.
Analyzing children's fears, they distinguish between age-related fears and neurotic fears. He views age-related fears as those of emotionally sensitive children and as a reflection of their mental and personal development. Neurotic fears have the following significant differences: high emotional intensity and tension; adverse effects on character and personality formation; painful exacerbation; interrelation with other mental disorders and experiences; avoidance of the object of fear, as well as everything new and unknown; strong connection with parental fears and relative difficulty in eliminating.

source https://pixabay.com/photos/door-bad-luck-13-thirteen-unlucky-1587023/
source https://pixabay.com/photos/door-bad-luck-13-thirteen-unlucky-1587023/