Few flowers in the world can boast such a clear primacy as roses boast, love and, in many cases, adore, by all for their beauty that speaks to those who take them in their hands, cultivates them and possesses them.They are fascinating and for centuries, they dominated in the gardens resisting fashions and, on the contrary, multiplying themselves with variations.
Royal gardens have been monopolized by roses, an example is the melancholy rose garden dedicated to the beloved and very elegant Grace Kelly, in the Principality of Monaco, or the Rosenborg Slot by Copehagen; but, regardless of lineage, anyone can cultivate and make a rose garden, satisfying their floral and aesthetic tastes.
One of their strengths is the variety: they are probably, among all the plants, those that come in a thousand colors, geometric shapes, sizes.Those who love roses can make them stand out in their own garden, either by devoting one hundred percent to the cultivation of this plant, or by mixing it with others. In both cases, a special result will be obtained, having some precautions.
Cultivating an entire garden with roses, unlike what is commonly thought, is a winning choice, and it is thanks to the flexible, versatile and variegated plant type, which is the rose. There are many hybrid variants that cover the entire color range, ranging from the lightest and most neutral colors to the brightest ones, all flower sizes and aesthetic forms: just knowing how to choose to get a unique and original place.
Planting roses, regardless of type, whether shrub or climbing or isolated, requires some essential precautions. The first is to choose a sunny place, because the roses, with the exception of some arboreal variants, need well-lit and airy places to grow and become the magnificent plants they are. Sun and air are enough to guarantee a beautiful flowering. Secondly, the composition of the soil must not be neglected: it must not be heavy. So clayey soils must be "corrected" with humiferous materials that guarantee an always moist but never saturated soil. The need for a wet base lies in the fact that it retains more of the nutrients needed by the plant.
A further trick is to give the new plant a rested soil. It is good that, in the sunny and ventilated place that we have chosen, there have not been rose plants for quite a long time: in fact, these tend to exhaust the soil itself, absorbing all the nutritional properties. Therefore, if an old shrub / plant is replaced with a new one, it will be necessary to replace a part of the base soil. To get the best from roses, care must be taken to ensure proper nutrition and good pruning. As far as nutrition is concerned, it is good practice to mix fertilizer with the surrounding soil (attention: it must be specific for roses!) Taking care that it is rich in phosphorus and that it is distributed at the right times of the year: at the beginning and at the end of spring and mid-summer.
Fundamental and pruning. Pruning allows us to have a second more abundant and luxuriant flowering. Such as? Remove the old flower until you reach just above the first bud immediately after the removed flower. Rose lovers can enjoy a 100% rose garden! Exploiting the chromatic and physical variety of the plant, and the key to having a harmonious and original garden, also in this case, golden rule, designing and planning.
The shrub variant can be used as a rose, as a bush, as a bush and as a sarmentosa: each with its own effect and for a particular success. For example, the sapling variant is ideal if you want to create a garden of isolated specimens that stand out among the green, with their color. Again, the sarmentosa variant is suitable for flower beds. This study must be accompanied by a design on the color: the thousand variations of roses that can be mixed and matched together, will come to cover the whole solar year, identify the colors and predict how the garden will look during the four seasons, and fundamental to imagine and create a place of impact.
giardino If roses are our passion, but we want to alternate them with other plants and shrubs, we can make mixed gardens of taste, following a few simple rules. Climbing roses may very well constitute a piece of furniture in a garden that, for example, has an ugly fence or an unpleasant wall. Plant them in the vicinity, a few centimeters, of the wall or fence, allows a dense and uniform coverage that will come less only during the winter season and for a few months.
If you want to opt for the creation of mixed flower beds, carefully studying the cromat shot It is advisable to plant the roses as close together as possible, and mix them, or alternate them, with other flowering plants. An excellent pairing and that given by roses and lilacine varieties, or roses and lavender; still, if you have bush roses, choose to plant the violets immediately below. Lastly, the combination of white roses and lilies certainly makes an impact.
The general rule, which can be applied not only to mixed gardens but also to those of roses only, and to study well the chromatic impact that one wants to obtain: too many colors can tone out and tire early, combine different forms of corollas, can produce a not pleasant result. As always, using good taste, and planning, will give the best results.