Six o'clock in the morning. It's a new day in Metro City. The sun is lazily rising from the horizon, creating one of the pictures of the sunrise. Birds in search of food communicate with each other with a whistling whistle. Their trills are only interrupted by the noise of occasionally passing cars. After all, on Sunday, residents prefer to rest and sleep longer. That's why it is Sunday.
However, there are also true workaholics in the city. One of them is already working on a new invention. In his workshop, which has become, by the way, not as cold and wet as before, Umbots are scattered everywhere, and a faithful friend and assistant servant provides the hero of the Metro City, Megamozg, breakfast.
And at this time, not far from the almost un-villainous Haunted by a little man, whose ears resembled burdocks of solid size. He was also a workaholic, but only now he was in a kind of standby mode. He was waiting to find a shelter for "The Hero who overcame the darkness in his Heroic soul" and will be able to write about "The New Great Hero", the most brilliant of all works. Luckily for him and for the heroic misfortune, Megamozg came out of the Den to conduct the first tests of his new creation.
- The skin of heavenly colour, eyes that sparkle like emeralds, - said Balbo, along the way, stirring in a notebook - and the head, giving all the appearance of his magnificent mind! It's him! My long wanderings (which, according to the author's reports, lasted an hour and a half) have come to an end!
And the writer jumped to his victim's new Hero.
Well, well, the kaput sneaked up, though it was visible from afar...
- Maid, let's go! - shouted the inventor hero. His assistant, standing near a strange machine, pressed a button and ran backwards. The dashboard of the unit was lit green, and in one of the corners, the countdown board was lit up.
- 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, - the car sounded.
- Chief,- the Employee asked carefully.
- Huh? What?
- I just swallowed it,- the assistant swallowed, - to ask what kind of device you had created. You were hiding something, hiding something. What was that?
- Oh! - Megamoguz almost jumped. - It's a Friz!
With these words, a column of dark blue light came out of the machine and went into the clouds.
- Excuse me, what?
- Well, the cooler. As a weapon, it will freeze anything it touches. And for peaceful purposes, - the inventor raised his eyes to the sky, - he will create snow and cold.
The servant also looked up: one by one small white snowflakes began to fall. Soon Megamozh and his assistant were standing on a thin white carpet.
- Well, I think everything works great,- said Metro City's hero, shaking his head to throw off the snowflakes.
- It's true,- the Helper nodded, trying to catch white crystals in the palm of his hand. Then he, in the autumn of a random thought, called out to the chief, who was checking the condition of the Friz:
- Um, may I ask... why did you even create this cooler? After all, in the middle of summer, there should be no frost or snow.
- That's the thing,- said Megamozg, turning off the Freeze. - There is no snow, it's worth the heat. So Roxanne's at home, refusing to go out! But now,- the hero smirks, - she'll have no choice but to go on a date.
"Most likely, she'll just think of a new excuse," the Employee thought, smiling. He knew that Miss Ritchie was extremely busy with the arrival of a foreign delegation. And she did not want to refuse Megamozga because of her work: she felt uncomfortable. So she made up this story with the heat.
"But I told her that there were some problems" - consider that the Metro City hero is already coming to the rescue... We will have to convince her to tell the truth.
- A servant, hey,- the alien spent his time in front of the assistant, trying to get him out of the depths of his thoughts.
- Yes, chief? - When he came to his senses, he asked him.
- What are you thinking about? - asked Megamozg.
- Nothing... I just... Oh, look, a walking snowman! - The Servant shouted, pointing somewhere to the side.
- What? Don't be ridiculous,- the blue alien laughed, turning to the side. - Snowmen don't want to... Oh, come on!
Something approached Megamozg and the Servant, all covered in snow. It didn't look like a regular snowman: he was tiny, his body was skinny, and his ears were not nose but ears.
- Chief,- the assistant asked carefully, - and your machine wasn't radioactive?
- You know,- the inventor began to back away slowly, - I'm not sure about that anymore.
Meanwhile, the snow stopped bowed gallantly and said something:
- Hello, oh, great hero! It is an honour for me, the creator of centuries-old stories, to meet you. My name is Balbo Ryukzachini, oh, great! And what is your name and that of your faithful companion?
- Wh-what? - the chorus asked "great" and "faithful companion".
- I'm sorry,- Balbo shrugged off and now appeared before new acquaintances in his usual form. - I hope you weren't confused by my appearance.
- Nope,- the Servant and Megamozgomuzg were wrapped in their heads. To tell the truth, they did it on the machine because they were still in complete shock.