The whole small room with a huge sofa was filled with squeaks and phrases similar to requests for forgiveness.
Gerard was sitting on that couch, with Frank next to him making all those sounds. Way had headphones in his ears that made him feel like he wasn't being listened to at all, even if he wasn't — in fact, Way was listening to him very carefully and barely holding back his smile, because Iero now looked like a dog who apologized, whimpered and looked at him with pitiful eyes.
Of course, Jer did listen to music, but the sound was minimal, not the other way around, as a brunette with a ring in his lip thought. Gerard just had to build up a grudge and didn't really think he'd be doing it that long, but... this lovely voice was so beautiful that he'd definitely want to be put up to his eyeballs and listen to it all the time.
Frank himself was sitting on his knees just to earn his forgiveness. He really thinks this damn cookie ruined five years of friendship and... seems to be hoping for something more. Never before has his object of sighs been so resentful to him. He's been asking for forgiveness for forty minutes!
— G, I won't eat your favorite cookies anymore! — he kept whimpering.
And again, the silence in return, which Frank just hated. What the hell does he have to do? Way was sitting there, barely holding himself back to smile.
But you know another plus from Frank eating all of Gerard's favorite last cookies, and he was "offended" by it?
Iero must finally stop arguing with himself about his feelings for this man, because now he really thinks it's the end.
— "Well, do you want me to run all the stores and find another pack? "— that was Frank's last phrase before he just started beating his head against the back of the couch.
Iero thought about what he could do to be noticed for a long time and decided to run to another room for a leaflet and a pink felt-tip pen, where he wrote "I'm sorry!!!!!" in large letters, but even here Gerard just took it and... and closed his eyes.
— I'm not leaving until you stop being upset. I'll say something to the wall, but I'll wait next to you until you get tired of playing around. Will our long friendship end because of... cookies? It's a complete idiocy!
Way's age-mate got up and went for coffee and gingerbread, hoping to make it up to him somehow and come up with an alternative.
— "Eat! Your favorite coffee and... just gingerbread. Just something edible and sweet," Frank put it all on the glass table in front of G, who was still pretending he couldn't hear and was "angry.
Gerard always liked the way Frankie made coffee. He was the one who made it so delicious, though it didn't seem to make any difference.
— You're a real moron, G. You're offended without a re.. okay, for almost no reason, and then you ignore it when you listen to your music, not me. It's a shame, actually. And, uh, yeah, I don't care if I'm just talking empty right now! With wh... with what I want, with what I'm talking to! That's what I want to talk to! — and Way's laughing is holding back again, shaking my head like I'm really into a song," I was bitten the day before yesterday by a dog, and I forgot to tell you. I only remembered now, but, oh, yes, of course, you'll listen to me! I wonder if I had been sent to a mental institution if someone had come in here? Probably, yes. Actually, I can just pull out your headphones, but you're going to be even more offended... jerk.
What song are you playing now, huh? Maybe it's "I Want It That Way"? I love it, though you know it.
— You are, my fire... — Frank sang out loud, — ... The one, desire... God, Gerard, you idiot, my idiot, will you ever tell me that? I want to be your flame, your desire... just yours, G, — Iero started looking at the ceiling with a sad smile while Jer was silently amazed at what was happening... what was he just told?
— I don't know when I can tell you, honestly. I can't even tell myself I'm okay! But today, when I realize that we can stop talking for a few days... man, I'm scared. I don't want to. What if in a few hours you find yourself a new friend, or worse, a girlfriend... or maybe a boyfriend? Man, I don't even know about your orientation. Yours, too, but I know I'm in love with you. That's all I need," a quiet smile said, "I guess if you'd heard that, you'd have sent me farther away...
— You are, my fire,
The one, desire,
You are...
— Don't wanna hear you say... Yes, Gerard, I guessed the song. And I'm sorry I continued your words...
— I won't forgive you. And I'm not talking about cookies, Frankie.
And that's clearly not the next line of the song. That's Way's answer to Ayero's phrase. What's going on with the second one now? God, he feels his heart beating more often and his hands clinging to the couch. That's the only thing Jer heard, right? "Frost's screen was turned on, where you could see the exact name of a completely different song.
— Did you... did you hear everything? — with his eyes dazed, asked Frank.
— You're so cute," G smiled as he tilted his headphones aside,
— Shall we go get the cookies?