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Lol Zorkix

When we die


And now we're in a state of old age. That is, with full wear and tear of our "body" and the luggage of accumulated experience, thoughts and knowledge in our heads.

And now it's time to lie on the sofa and rest... And who will give? You understand that life has passed very quickly and there is nothing left (everyone has different, but mostly so) to live. Sad? Yes, we think about it when there is little left. But what good does it do? You can't change anything anymore. Unless you think and think again...

The world has accelerated

I want to sit down, think about everything, draw conclusions, find mistakes, pass them on to the younger generations so that later on they will not be allowed to make mistakes. And what will you pass on? Everything that you know and are able to do is not necessary for anybody anymore, they will be given all this in a different form according to their time continuum, and due to the fact that the world around us has accelerated in its technical and scientific development, which does not please me due to certain reasons, which at the end of the narration, your knowledge becomes obsolete every day. You try to lead an active way of life, to catch up as it seems to you, but physically you are weak, and accordingly active movements are not recommended to you, you want to communicate with someone, but the circle of your communication is rapidly narrowing. All your friends and acquaintances are either dead or just like you in search of the rest of your life, i.e. do not know what to do with yourself. Thus your brain tensely works and does not rest and so you spend time till the last minute of life, till last breath of another's air to you and believe that here at last that will get in the best world, after all you for it prepared all your life. You believe correctly, but you won't get into a better world, but you will go back to the place where you were taken from for this purpose.

Not from scratch

You must have heard the saying, "Old what's old"?

It did not come from an empty place, we still remember where we come from when we were born, but when we approach the end of our earthly life we begin to remember a lot. It is connected with the fact that closer to the death of the body, the brain does not receive that saturated information and it is not necessary to use it as much as possible, because you have already worked out material for them, you are practically useless and the consciousness becomes gradually virgin, i.e. comes almost to the initial form, so it is so easy for you to communicate with small children or your peers and there is no mutual understanding with other age groups. From here begin to develop numerous senile diseases associated with memory and mental degradation.

Reacting to the world less

I will not list all of these medical terms, they are not important and are invented to take your eyes away from the essence of the fact that our memory is in the process of preparation for returning to its original state. Therefore, the more we move towards aging, the less we react to the world around us. It ceases to be something valuable for us because of our new and main goal, our return to our true existence. Beginning to understand how we were deceived in terms of the fact that by the end of our lives, having received a developed brain and the knowledge that was accumulated in it, our body is unable to implement all this for the benefit of ourselves. You have said to yourself many times, being older, in your hearts: "Oh, if I had all this so many years ago, I would have turned the mountains".

For a certain number of years...

You don't mean the accumulated wealth, but your experience and knowledge. All mankind's efforts to search for elixir of youth or cure for immortality are pathetic and ridiculous. Nobody will allow you to develop and create something similar. No your high position in the society and financial possibilities in this world, no merits before your "shepherds" will not give even a small fraction of what you will manage to live more than the term given by them for you. They don't need you for long. Your life resource is programmed for a certain number of years.

Better beings will change you, more adapted to the new changing environment already created under them, invisible "conductor".

Yes, generations change. And there's nothing you can do about it. All that remains to be done is to put up with it. And wait... we don't know what's out there.