21 days. The same sweater (Harry/Draco)
- Potter, no.
- Draco, stop arguing. We agreed...
- You made the deal, not me. And I refuse.
- Malfoy...
This is the third day we've had this conversation. The end of this argument was not foreseen, the former slutserinskoy stubbornness surpassed all his relatives, and Potter refused to retreat. The beginning of this scandal was brought to them by Sichik - a feathery ball, which is strange to call an owl, Draco wanted to kill him like a fly, but Harry forbade, recognizing the bird of his best friend. Malfoy was a little jealous of the fussily ripping off the scroll Potter, whose lips wandered lightly happy smile. But it was understandable. After all, his friends were also closed their eyes, realizing that they couldn't be abandoned because it was already a part of life that couldn't be erased. They know and understand a lot of things that are not given to others, even Harry and Draco, who have become close to each other, because in the end they have been standing on different barricades for too long.
Malfoy was quietly isolated in the living room, amused himself by the news from the newspaper, allowing Potter to quietly read the letter. But he flew in a couple of minutes with a very worried look on his face.
- Draco, listen to me calmly," Harry said, sitting down with a tense young man.
- What did you do again? - Malfoy sighed patiently, postponing the Prophet.
- It wasn't me, it was Ron," Potter answered uncertainly, moving closer, putting his head on his shoulder to calm him down in advance. - We are invited to dinner at Weasley's.
Lunch at Weasley's. Scary words that immediately indicate several problems: the wicked Ginny, who still hasn't forgiven Malfoy; Mr Weasley's constant trepidation, with constant apologies for mentioning his father and their "difficult situation with the minister"; and Mrs Weasley's murmurings, who was very sympathetic to Draco, almost with tears in her eyes. To this plus the noisy company of all the Weasley brothers and their husbands.
- No, Potter," the instant answer was given.
- But, Draco...
- No, I'm not. (Laughs)
And it lasted for three days. Harry hinted at or started talking about going to Weasley together, and Draco continued to refuse.
- Why not? - Still decided to ask Harry, having previously started to stretch Malfoy's shoulders to drown out his roar a little.
- Because no," he continued to grab the Draco with his hands off his shoulders. - I don't want to go to this... family.
- What's wrong with Weasley? I know your families were in a strained relationship, but it's all in the past...
- That's not the point," Malfoy sighed heavily, rubbing his nose. - It's just... not my thing.
He's a stranger in this world. Where there is warmth and comfort, where care is in the air with love. And that he could destroy Draco. He and his weakness, which led him to submit to the Dark Lord. Guilt and heaviness in his heart prevented him from relaxing and forgetting himself, and grief and compassion on strangers' faces caused more pain than Crucio.
- Go alone," Malfoy sighed. - Say hello and thanks from me for another sweater.
- Did you find it? - Harry was surprised, staring at the Draco in disbelief. - I did not give it to you on purpose, knowing your tastes and preferences in clothes.
- Yes, I did," the slug sniffer snorted. - And I even liked him. When it was cold, I wore it. Is there something wrong with that?
Harry laughed quietly, soaking his blond hair to the grumbling.
- Let's go together, and you'll tell Mrs Weasley yourself. Or even come in.
- I'm not crazy, Potter," Malfoy shrieked, imagining himself as such in public.
He ended up in front of a friendly family in an emerald sweater with a silver snake on his chest and the same color as the letter "D" on his back. Mrs. Weasley's tears of appeasement embarrassed Draco to such an extent that he was ready to escape, but Harry's lucky smile somehow stopped him. Besides, he no longer felt compassionate about himself. Finally, he sighed a relaxed sigh. And even managed to show a still insecure but sincere smile.