20 days. Personal Paradise (Sonchen/Gien)
Sometimes the body, soul and mind say, "Stop." They do not even speak, but yell in different languages, so that the master stops mocking them, but their surroundings think differently. Jien was required to get results, and they could only come out of a long and tedious job. My head rang as if a swarm of bees had settled there, not only buzzing, but also stinging. His muscles were whining with fatigue, as if they had turned into a stone that could only be broken by a bulldozer. And that was not a fact. Thoughts were confused and they didn't want to form a logical chain, so it was hard to even say what they wanted to say. He looked at the managers' faces, ready to cling to them, so that they would disappear from sight and preferably for ten days. The dream of flying somewhere to the islands and getting warm on the sand by the sea was slowly becoming a goal, and Gian was ready to get a phone and book a plane ticket. They stopped recording the album and shooting commercials for the whole group. After all, it wasn't a job for him, it was a job for the whole band, so we couldn't back down. He can't be selfish, though most often the leader is.
Gien rubbed his eyes red from the screen and sighed heavily on the back of the chair. The Maldives' landscapes ran before his eyes, and the idea of a vacation was not so hypothetical. The clock showed almost midnight, and the body was in time according to - you need sleep and rest. The man blew himself up, kicking his foot against the table. At the same time, while swearing and sizzling in pain, Gien turned off all the equipment, checking the safety of precious records, and ran out of the building, catching a taxi. Now he needs rest, alcohol, warmth and strong hot hands on his waist, and if Kwon has the strength, then on his naked hips in bed.
It was as if the taxi was dragging at the speed of a turtle, and Jien was holding back so as not to yell at the driver. As he approached the right house, he held on so as not to run. Standing at the right door, which pulled the warmth and comfort, Kwon did not let himself break it down to quickly find himself in a pleasant and necessary environment. Jien just pressed the bell and started tapping a joint while waiting. Soft shuffling steps gave in the heart of the sticky tenderness and happiness. Slightly drunk Sungheng with a stray smile, shiny eyes and a slight blush on the high cheekbones was a dream image.
- Will you let me go? - Gien tapped into the dark, ready to rush into the bright hallway.
- No one can stop you," smiled at T.O.P. as he walked away, skipping the man who slipped in an instant and dropped his outerwear and boots. After a moment, he was already on the couch wrapped in his son's sweatshirt, which had been lying on his back unintentionally before. The landlord smiled at him and, without question, packed up his leftovers and then headed to the bar.
- Wine or something stronger? - Only Sonchen specified, calling glasses of glasses.
- Let's start with the wine," Gien rumbled almost like a cat, thawing and gradually relaxing in warmth and comfort. The bees in their heads hibernated and their muscles gradually turned from stones to jelly. He wouldn't have to speak here, because they could understand without words. This was confirmed when Sonchen handed him a glass of red semi-sweet and then wrapped it in a large plaid. Jien fidgeted around, getting settled comfortably, and yelled into Choi's hands, who did not mind such a turn of events. His thin fingers began to look through the hard strands, his palm stroking through the fabric of his shirt on his fallen stomach.
And Gien realized that he didn't need any Maldives. Personal Paradise with warm sea and hot sand for him transformed into a strong but soft Sonchen, a glass of wine and a comfort apartment, in which they fled from a hostile and harsh world.