Continuation. Read Part1 here
Part 2 here
Mercie was clenched in pain. Lewis noticed that something was wandering under her daughter's skin. He jumped as a thin black snake crawled out of her wound and crawled under the doorway, wagging its tail.
- Oh, my God! - Lewis crossed over and hurriedly splashed holy water on the doorstep of the room so that the black snake could no longer penetrate.
The holy water didn't stop a horrible old woman from coming back and putting a new black snake in her body. But it wasn't the snake this time, and Mercy was already controlling her. The demon-possessed one learned to live with the creature inside herself. Before that, she had no control over herself. Then Mercy realized she was in control of Mary Sibley and came to blackmail her.
- If you keep putting your spies at me, I'll tell Salem's advice the truth about you. I know who you are, Mary Sibley. - Merci suddenly showed up at Sibley's house, then scared the hell out of her.
- What do you want for keeping quiet? - Mary asked.
She didn't need anyone to know her secret.
Mercie smiled and answered:
- I want to be like you.
- Then you'll have to prove your loyalty to me. For starters.
- What do I have to do?
- I need to perform one rite, but I need sacrifices. You will be the guide between me and the victims accused of witchcraft. - Mary realized that if she dragged Mercy into her boat, she wouldn't be able to give it away because she would be the same.
Mercy wanted to be omnipotent, so she agreed to play by Mary's rules. For the time being, for the time being. Mary pulled a black snake out of her, vouching for her word.
If anything goes wrong, I'll stick it back in," Sibley thought.
Merci didn't let her down. Pretending to be possessed, she began pointing her finger at the people of Salem if they were involved in witchcraft.
She even bit off her finger on purpose to make her look more convincing in public. When all the sacrifices were made, Mary took Mercy to the woods, naked and turned her into a witch. So Mercie was mired in the same sled as the Essex sorcerers. She was transformed, blossomed, and had the spell of her friends, just as Mary had asked her to do. She promised Mercy eternal life, and Mercy gave the same phrases to her friends. They believed her and were proud to be friends with her. Mercy created a circle far from Sibley and the Essex witches. She performed various rituals with them, thus developing more witchcraft powers. She learned to soar in weightlessness like Mary Sibley. She herself created astral movement if she had to drive someone mad or kill unnoticed. She did everything for Mary.
Mercy wasn't enough that she had. She asked Mary for more, and how did she repay it? Get her out of the way! Burned her alive at the quarry with her friends.
Everyone died, but not Mercy. Having burned, she survived.
She hid in her father's house for a long time, making revenge plans. Her heart was filled with anger and hatred. She looked longingly in the mirror at her burned face and almost cried with grief. She wasn't the old one anymore, but she wanted to be. She told her father to bring Dolly to her. She was horrified at her friend's sight and thought she was dead.
How wrong she was! Mercie tried to get back at Mary through Isaac after learning that the Prodigal serves her. She told her father and Dolly to bring Isaac from the infirmary where he was now because of the plague to her place. Dolly was against it. But afraid of the evil Mercy, she did her bidding. By stealing the unconscious Isaac from the infirmary, she and Mr. Lewis brought him to an obsession with revenge.
- And what are you going to do with him, Mercy? - Dolly asked.
She was in love with the Prodigal and didn't want her friend to hurt him.
- What would I do with him? - asked for Mercy's hoarsely, bypassing the Prodigal lying on the table from all sides. - Eat him up and make him obey me. I'll use it against Mary. She doesn't know who she's run into yet.
Dolly hatching her eyes stunned, and Mr. Lewis kept silent.
- But what does Isaac have to do with it? - Dolly asked. - You want revenge, you want revenge without him.
- How? How? - Merci came up to the mirror. - Look at me, Dolly! What do I look like?! Mary disfigured me! I won't let her get away with it! She will pay! I swear! Or I'm not Mercy Lewis! - She turned her back on the mirror. - I can't go outside like that, Dolly! I can't be seen! Especially not Mary Sibley! Let him think I'm dead! I will act out of the silence! - She snorted angrily at her father and girlfriend. - Now get lost! As long as I don't need you! And I'll take care of dinner! - She looked at Isaac expressively.
To be continued...