From early childhood, we are told tales. The child lives in a world of magic, fantasy, trying to understand where good is and where evil is. Fairy tales were formed so that they were thought over, comprehended and certain conclusions were drawn.
Tales are all filled with metaphors, images. One must also be able to understand these metaphors. More often than not, we don’t know what is behind each image.
Perhaps, thanks to this, the original that was laid down in them is preserved in fairy tales. Not understanding, people did not make their interpretations but conveyed everything as it was. Reading tales, we must remember that among the ancient Slavs life seemed endless, in the form of a vicious circle, where there was no beginning or end. Therefore, death was not forever. The soul returned to the body of the child.
Young children intuitively feel this, although they may not be able to decipher them. But the fairy tale lays on the psyche, like grain into the prepared soil. Only parents need to remember that a fairy tale must be age-appropriate.
If you read about Baba Yaga in early childhood, the child will be frightened and will always be afraid of her. You need to start with children's tales about the bun and turnip. According to the researchers, the tales "Gingerbread Man" and "Turnip" are astrological tales.
"Gingerbread Man" is about the moon, which first turns into a month, and then vice versa. It turns out that in the initial version, each animal bit off a bun from a bun. So the round moon became smaller and smaller. When the turn came to the fox, then from the Kolobok there was one humpback. And then disappeared...
"Turnip" is about the same thing, only in the opposite direction. The month gradually turns into a full moon.
The child begins to fantasize: looking at the sky, he imagines a bun or turnip.
The world around him becomes fabulous.
The fairy tales “The Cockerel - The Golden Scallop” and “The Zayushkin Hut” also belong to astrological ones.
The first refers to the change of day and night. Cockerel is the sun. The fox comes to the window and calls him (in folk culture there were a lot of calls to the sun). Then it grabs and carries for high mountains, for dense forests, for blue seas - the path is unreasonably far, that is, this is the path that the sun makes. The fox is the night that stole the sun, and the cat is the morning, he returned it.
In the "Zayushkina hut", children are discreetly told about the changing seasons. Fox is winter. Zayushka - summer. The bunny turns to various animals for help, which in life could easily defeat the fox. But the cockerel wins - the sun, which the fox is very afraid of - winter.
"Ryaba Chicken" - a fairy tale for adults
Ryaba’s chicken is best read not by children, but by adults. The chicken laid a golden egg. It was accidentally broken by a mouse. Why do grandfather and woman cry, because they themselves wanted to break it, but could not?
The fact is that the egg was empty.
The egg is a prototype of all life on Earth.
It is a symbol of the infinity of life because without death there is no rebirth.
The egg had to be full, the world had to be filled.
The chicken calms the elderly: “I will lay you another testicle - not gold, but simple,” that is, viable, from which life will be reborn.
Tales for teens
It was believed that fairy tales are for adolescents, for those who are going to start a family in the near future. In fairy tales, everything ends with a wedding, because then it is uninteresting, predictable. The main thing is told - how a person goes through certain stages, how responsibly he treats a wedding, shows knowledge of the rite, the ability to appeal to the experience of ancestors. If all conditions are met and met, the family will be happy.
Vasilisa the Beautiful went to Baba Yaga, gained the wisdom that is necessary for marriage. She knows everything in advance, anticipates. I stumbled on a fabric, presented it (I didn’t sell it!) With the help of an old woman to the king, sewed a shirt. Previously, only the bride sewed the shirt to her groom, while she locked herself in the room so that no one would come in because she performed a certain ritual, embroidered signs, plots that would attract the king to her.
The result is a wedding and a happy life.
We must know our folk culture, treat it with dignity, live in it.