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Nice company

Business affair

Part 3.


Get out of the taxi, get inside. I look at the time - fifteen minutes of the first. He is not here. It was sad at once, and the mood fell, I wanted to go home, but my friend saw my despair, grabbed my hand and dragged me upstairs. We met friends, Stas somehow forgot and disappeared into thoughts.

The music was going through my ears, the dance floor was on fire, and we headed there. Dancing with people I knew, and no, I was lost in the crowd, in the looks, in the faces, but his look from the third floor, aimed at me, made me stop and freeze in the middle of the dance floor.

It was Stas. I looked him in the eye and smiled like him, and then he turned around and went somewhere. I sneaked through the dancing crowd and went to look for him: I looked at the second, third floor, and even went down to the first floor, but I couldn't find him and went to the bar.

I talked to my older brother, who was there too, and I was suddenly frightened by the hand on my shoulder. With a sudden and unexpected touch, I was scared and turned around instantly to look at this man.

- How you scared me! - I was outraged.

- So it wasn't me who was so scary, and you were so scared - Stas' voice was so much awaited that night. I turned to him and got out of my chair.

- I never throw words in the wind, you can remember," he said, giving me a modest bouquet.

What a surprise! Honestly, I was standing there looking at him and the bouquet. Silently, without words, but with a wide smile.

- I look like you like it," Stas started smiling, "and I really couldn't find a purple wrapper for the bouquet that matched your eyes. I drove halfway around Dmitrov, and I was nowhere to be found.

And in return, I was silent again and smiling. But I didn't know what to say to him. I was so excited that he was late that I caught his eyes among many other people, that with the bouquet like this, in the club...

I asked the bartender to put flowers in a vase, and Stas was dragged to the dance floor. At first, Stas and I were dancing separately: I'd dance with someone else, or he'd go somewhere else, but the eyes were still on each other. Then I got tired of it, and I started dancing around him, making him move with me in time. At first, he said he wasn't dancing well, but I insisted on dancing, and it worked.

When he started dancing the way he could, I stopped and watched him move, the way he filled the dance floor with himself. People in the neighborhood broke up to make room for him, and they looked at him and smiled. Stas danced so excitingly that I looked at him without moving, and then he grabbed my hand and pulled me up against him.

I was scared, nervous, and somehow uncomfortable. Everybody is looking, no-oh, I can't do that, and I started to break out, but Stas wouldn't let me go, and I had to dance. We had a kind of dance battle, passing the lead to each other, like in American dance movies, but soon we got lost in a crowd of dancing people again.

That's where I met the friend I came to meet, took her and Stas by the hand, and took them to the bar, a quieter place to introduce them. A friend with a surprised look at him: either amazed at his appearance, or how he dances - I do not know.

- Stas, meet Alice. Alice, this is Stas I was telling you about.

They looked at each other silently, and Stas decided to break the silence - he offered to drink, he treats you.

And until morning we danced, weirded out and had fun. It was probably one of my most memorable trips to the "Empire": not every weekend I danced in a circle of people in a couple with a guy, when we "beat" each other with movements, and people stood and watched, and not every time I came back from the club with flowers.

* * *

Right now, we're just having fun. Let us just cross our eyes at work and exchange short phrases, let his wife wait for him at home, and my boyfriend loses me somewhere... I don't know what it will result in and how it will end, but I'm glad that it is happening in my life now.

And yesterday he kissed me for the first time. On the cheek. On farewell.)))