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Earth at the equator

Four good old detectives

Hey, hey, hey, hey!

You have it like this - you watch the show, you like it, but just entered the taste, and the season, bootstraps, and ended! And the next one is to wait a whole year (and sometimes longer).

Today I picked up the series, where the next season is not necessary to wait. Like it? Look further, and do not deny yourself anything.

1. Unit One (Rejseholdet) is a special department for the investigation of serious crimes. After Ingrid Dahl was appointed a head of Homicide, the team split into two parts - half of the team is cautious about the new chief, and some members of the team can't stand it and openly demonstrate it.

But personal sympathies and dislikes to the professionals should be pushed farther away - crimes should be solved, and criminals should be put behind bars. This is what the First Group under Ingrid Dahl will do.

What is good about it? In addition to violent crimes, the series perfectly prescribed the personal life of each of the detectives. However, "personal" in the picture is exactly so much so that each member of the team was like a man, not a soulless robot, who besides work, has only work.

Plus, the young Mads Mikkelsen (Hannibal), as Alan Fisher, a nice bonus for the ladies.

Do not compare this series and the series "Think like a criminal" (Criminal Minds) - the first group appeared long before the release of the pilot series of "criminal minds".

Country: Sweden, Denmark.

Year: 2000

IMDb rating: 8.2.

Status: 4 seasons.

2. Wallander - Detective Kurt Wallander lives and works in a provincial Swedish town. If you suddenly decided that the village detective's job is "don't beat the one lying down": from time to time to disperse drunkards in a bar with kicks, to settle a dispute between "hot" Swedish neighbors or to find a missing cow...It is not so. I got the impression that this quiet cozy Swedish urban-type settlement is home to all the "evil" from all corners of Europe. So the work of the detective above the roof - "that no day, it's a new bow.


What's good about it? A mixture of Swedish and English detectives - not every day you will meet a similar mixture. In each case Kurt Wallander investigates slowly, painstakingly and scrupulously in Swedish, and from the British series got the brevity of the seasons (4 seasons = 12 episodes) and the charming Kenneth Brann (Operation "Valkyrie").

For me this "cocktail" was weak, and out of 12 episodes I looked at only 7, the rest were not impressed. But, as you know, each of them has its own marker for taste and color, maybe you will find all the episodes interesting.

Country: Great Britain, Sweden, USA, Germany.

Year: 2008.

IMDb rating: 8.0.

Status: 4 seasons.

3. The Brokenwood Mysteries - in New Zealand, as well as everywhere "someone does not want to live honestly somewhere". In this particular case, "somewhere" is a small cozy town called Brokenwood. That's why local detectives Mike Sheppard and Christine Simms have no time to "hang around with a pear cock" - criminals won't put themselves in jail by themselves. And so they plow in the sweat of the face from morning to evening, as long as honest citizens live in peace.

What's good about it? Traditional English detective (in a good sense of the word) moved to the interior of the fictional New Zealand town of Brokenwood and instructed to conduct business a couple of visionary detectives. We have long been accustomed to strange tandems of freak cops. But the Buckenwood duo is not one of them. Yes, at first glance, Mike Sheppard, always wrinkled, with a discouragingly good-natured look, is a fan of last century's car industry and country music (which unrealistically fits into the vast expanse of New Zealand), does not cause respect and trust. But behind the mask of "his boyfriend in the board", hides a clever and discerning detective. His partner, young and energetic Christine Simms, is also distinguished by her "intelligence and intelligence". And a pathologist with Russian roots and horrible stories about "from Russia, with love" is just a "cherry on a cake".

Simple, fun, easy and tasteful.

Country: New Zealand.

Year: 2014.

IMDb rating: 7.8.

Status: 5 seasons.

4. Jack Irish - Jack Irish from Melbourne lives his life and has nothing to do with the police. He's a former successful criminal attorney and now he's a friend with criminal, suspicious elements. The prankster, gambler, con-man Harry Strang and his bodyguard Kam are not the right company for an Australian gentleman.

That's how Jack Irish would have lived, interrupting his casual earnings if it hadn't been for an old client's phone call. Unexpectedly and unexpectedly, Jack was caught in such a mess and the only way out of it was to find the culprit and punish him.

What's good about it? Charming Guy Pierce (King says) as Jack, that's enough to watch the show. However, I won't be stingy and I'll add the stories that Jack has been slipping into time and again, "grown-ups," brutal, thrash, and very dangerous.

By the way, I haven't seen a single negative review of the show on the Internet, and this, believe me, is very rare.

Country: Australia.

Year: 2016.

IMDb rating: 7.8.

Status: 3 seasons.

P.S. The review of good old detectives will be incomplete without...

5. Line of Duty is one of the best detectives I've ever seen (and I've reviewed them, believe me, a lot). The series will talk about the work of the internal investigation department. These are the police officers who fight corruption in the ranks of the police, that is, they take bad, corrupt cops and put them in jail. And you do not steal! Didn't their mother teach them as a child that stealing is not good?

Country: Great Britain.

Year: 2012.

IMDb rating: 8.6.

Status: 5 seasons.