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The other world

It's a strange accident.



Alice was looking at this painting with her mouth open. This cute creature had just turned into a mad cat that scratched her for nothing! But what was worse - the animal ran straight to the road, where there were plenty of cars!

The girl rushed after the cat to catch it before it was knocked down. But the tramp turned out to be more nimble, rushing right under one of the cars.

- Oh, my God!- Alice shouted in her hearts.

But the cat came out from under the wheels of the car, continuing to run to the opposite side.

Alice threw herself behind the cat. She could have been easily knocked down! Not paying attention to the red light of the traffic lights, the girl also ran out to the roadway. It seemed that all the cars wanted to shoot her down. All of them were driving at high speed, but the desire to save that tramp's life was stronger than fear.

The cars were running one by one. Everyone was shouting at the schoolgirl, but the words in such a rush couldn't be understood. And somewhere in the distance, someone's beige tail flashed... And suddenly Alice realized that she almost ran all the way, there was not much left...

Suddenly, the girl saw with her side vision that she was carrying a huge truck! Alice stopped, unable to move. The cars humming, the drivers shouting... Everything was all mixed up in thoughts. And then everything happened so quickly that the girl did not understand anything herself. The last thing she remembered was the approaching truck that was flying straight at Alice's speed and someone's icy palm that grabbed the heroine by the hand...

Alice's waking up on the sidewalk. The first thought that came to mind was, "Am I not dead?" The last thing she remembered was a truck, someone's palm... The coldest thing she said was in her memory. It was like it wasn't a living person, it was dead...

- What a fool, - somebody's voice was heard. - Do you know how much time I spent because of you?

Only now Alice noticed a teenage girl next to her. She was sitting on the sidewalk, hugging her knees with her hands. The girl looked absolutely usual, long golden hair, emerald eyes ... But only on a breast hung a fine scarlet amulet in the form of a cat. Alice couldn't say a word about herself.

- All right, I'm going to go,- an unknown girl jumped up.

- Wait!" Alice shouted suddenly. - You are... That cat? So beige.

- I have no idea what you're talking about,- the girl giggled. - I saw you on the road and pushed you to the sidewalk so you wouldn't get hit by that truck.

Alice bit your lower lip. So what happened to her was not a dream.

- You have the same emerald eyes as that tramp,- she held out.

- Okay, I give up,- the catgirl smirked. - You caught me. But I don't think anyone will believe you.

Suddenly the amulet began to fade. Instead of the scarlet color, it became red, and then dark red... And after a couple of seconds, it faded, turning into a completely black one.

- Well, the mistress of the amulet lent a shame. - Okay, I've got to run, or else I can't take my head off.

Alice wanted to stop her, but it was too late, she was gone somewhere. Too much had happened in the last few minutes, even too much... Alice was almost hit by a truck, and then some strange girl who was actually a cat. Or is the cat a girl?

- I was confused,- grabbed Alice's head.

The girl got up and looked back. It was even stranger that she was not on the side where her yard was, but on the side where the school stood...

== Hernagesen's gang ==

Normal school routine flew by fast enough. Alice gradually began to forget that on Monday she faced something incomprehensible and magical. Every day the girl was more confident and confident that what she had seen was just a dream.

- Soon the summer holidays will come! - Katya Alice reminded me during lunch. - Just a week!

- Don't tell me,- smiled her sister, moving away from her empty plate, which had recently been filled with pea soup. - That's it, the soup won't fit into me anymore!

The girl rushed to her room. So cozy and light. So dear! Once this room belonged to another girl, whom Alice did not know anything about. Recently a rich family lived here. My father worked for a well-known company, but for some reason, she went bankrupt and the man died of grief. His daughter ran away from home, also for unknown reasons. It's a pretty creepy story, especially considering that this is the room that belonged to the fugitive.