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A horse is a mammal of a group of unparnocootic horse families. The ancestor of a domestic horse is considered a wild horse tarpan. Tarpans met in the steppe strip of Eastern Europe and Asia back in the 19 century. The horse was domesticated more than 6,000 years ago.

Today about 200 different breeds have been brought out. There are horse rocks, stubborn, heavy-duty and others. The pure-blooded horse racer develops a speed of up to 60 km/h, and a powerful heavy truck is capable of carrying cargo weighing more than 20 tons.

The usual dimensions of the horse: body length up to 2.8 meters, height in the hill 1.4 - 1.6 meters. A special group is represented by low-growth horses - ponies. Their height is 40-120 cm.

A horse can live up to 40-50 years.


Once upon a time, the horse could be seen on the street as often as a car today. And no one was surprised. After all, the horse has lived next to a man since the most ancient times.

Horses carried cargo and passengers, smelled and traveled on horses, fought and hunted. And today horse sports competitions are held.

The horse is one of the most beautiful animals. The high neck is decorated with a UAH. The slender, thin legs are adapted for fast running. The horse floats perfectly, it has a thin hearing: it learns the steps of its master from afar. And her smell is no worse than that of a dog.

The horse is smart and intelligent, quickly remembers the road to the house and can return from the farthest pasture. This ability was used in purga - threw leads, and the horse itself brought to housing.

Horses pass taboons. They feed on grass, oats. When a stallion is born, it does not stand well on long legs. Mom - the horse will gently brush his tongue, feed him milk.

A little time will pass, and the stallion will be fun to wear on the green meadow. He will want to eat, run to his mother, drink delicious and fat milk. People also drink horse milk, make it a useful drink - kumys.

In old times, the horse was replaced by a plane, a bus, and a train. All over the world the Russian troika is famous. Three horses are thrown into the carriage or sled. And there 's a shitty three, ringing bells and bubbles!

And when people found a horse horseshoe on the road - it is a kind of "shoe" for a horse, - rejoiced. It was thought that finding a horseshoe was fortunately. Iron horseshoes strengthened on the hoof horses to protect the horse 's legs from injury.

Horses are well trained, they listen to their master. And it is not surprising that horses often perform in circuses and at sports competitions. Today horses help a person, too. Especially where you can 't drive!

The cow is a mammal of the ruminant parrot family. The cow belongs to domestic cattle. The ancestor of the pet cow is a wild bull


The cow is a mammal of the ruminant parrot family. The cow belongs to domestic cattle. The ancestor of the pet cow is a wild bull tour.

The tour was a strong animal, weighing up to 800 kg, with high canvas, powerful long horns directed forward. He is exterminated by man. The last tour was killed in Poland in 1627.

The wild bull was tamed and domesticated a very long time ago when farming arose, almost 10,000 years ago.

Today there are about 1,000 cattle breeds in the world. But about 250 breeds are most common.

Three main directions in breeding of breeds can be distinguished: dairy, meat and combined. There are hornless breeds, a miniature breed of cows is brought out. Their height is about 80 cm, weight 100 – 130 kg. UPI 3-4 kg per day.

The average 5 of the 6 cow - 3 thousand kg per year, record holders give up to 20 – 24 tons. Kg


Cheese, yogurt, sour cream, curd... All these delicious and useful products and many more make from milk. And we get milk from cows.

Cows and bulls are pets. They live mainly on farms. Villagers have cows in their personal, household.

People have always loved and valued cows. In ancient times in many countries they were honored as sacred animals. They were worshiped, their images decorated with temples and palaces. And when the bull was dying, he was buried with honors.

In one ancient book it was written: "In cows our power, in cows our clothes, in cows our victory."

Nowadays, this attitude towards cows has survived in India. Cows and bulls are even placed monuments.

Cows graze on a green meadow, eat grass. And in their body there is a real miracle - milk is formed. Milk is not only a tasty product, it is also used as a therapeutic agent.

Cows, like their wild ancestors, animal herds. And in the herd there is always the most important cow - "leader." She is the first to start eating grass, the first to lie down to rest and the first to go at the head of the herd.