Today, as always, the general's long white hair humbly lay on the athletic shoulders but found an unfamiliar pearl tint in the shimmering abundance of crystal in the ballroom. The wide palm of his hand, which was still waiting to receive the hand of the princess, was covered with foreign corns from weapons - Kitsiliy personally taught the recruits the art of war. Madeleine gave a glass to a man passing by in a starchy wig that served the celebration. Without breaking the established silence, she elegantly put her hand on the general's palm. He embraced her silk fingers securely and surprisingly gently. It was the first time that Madeleine had touched the rough skin of a real man, not a pampered prince. Kitsiliy introduced Madeleine into the stream of defined pairs. The general's hand sensitively touched the princess' flat back. They spun in a beautiful waltz.
- You make me feel uncomfortable," Madeleine broke her silence. - Why do you keep silent all the time? I find myself uninteresting to you as a companion.
- Forgive me, Your Highness, I didn't want you to think that.
- However, you didn't ask me to dance for a courtesy exchange or even for the sake of the dance itself. As always, you are watching your prince. Are you using me not to lose sight of him?
- You're right, I always look after His Highness. But why do you think I didn't want to dance with you?
- At least because you didn't drop a single glance at me. You are in the line of dance, not with me. - Kitsilius right now turned his attention to the princess. - You know, partners usually smile at each other and exchange at least a couple of phrases. Just politeness, courtesy.
- Your Highness, forgive me for my ignorance. Will you believe me if I confess that I am not used to communicating with women and I dance for the first time?
- No," Madeleine smiled gently. - At court, you are considered an enviable groom. I am sure that the best of the ladies are not just biting your elbows, dreaming, waiting for you...
- I've never had a party or given a reason to fill a lady's mind.
- Do you think you need permission to fall in love?
- Not many people are allowed to fall in love, not many are allowed to.
- Oh, what I hear! You are in love with someone! - Madeleine smiled enthusiastically. - I'm glad to know that you're not as stable as you sometimes seem.
- Did I seem like that to you?
- I repeat that you are always silent.
- I am a general, I have to watch and protect. And to share fun, to play cards with you, or to drink tea and treat myself to sweet cakes is simply not appropriate for me.
- Are you right to expect enemies always and everywhere when you are watching us?
- I have to. It is a duty.
- It's a pity there's no one like you in the kingdom of Vesper. I feel like an impregnable fortress with you! - The music is over. - I was glad to talk to you, General Kitsiliy, albeit not for long. - Madeleine sat down in a curtain and turned around to leave.
- You are beautiful today, to admire you - a pleasure - a late compliment snapped from the dry lips of Kitsiliya in the back of the princess. Madeleine stopped, turned around uncertainly, believing she had misheard. - That is, you are always beautiful, but today - especially.
To hear an unexpected compliment from a silent general was too stunning. Madeleine, without showing surprise on her face, slowly bowed down as if she were looking for a trick in Kicily's words.
- Thank you," said the princess exactly.
Madeleine went to Ursula, which she was expecting. Madeleine's girlfriend curiously and eagerly embraced her hands:
- Did you dance with Kicily? Is it possible? I have never seen him dance!
- I will surprise you much more - he came down to talk.
- Really? And what were you talking about?
- I may have said more, but still... about his fiancées.
- By the way, about the brides. If you look back, you'll see the angry ladies eating your eyes.
- They will be disappointed when they learn that he is in love!
- Kicily?! Impossible!
- I also thought so, and yet, he is in love and not mutually!
- Oh, how so! - Seriously shared the bitterness of General Ursula. - And who is she? And what is her name?
- I'm afraid he won't even say that under the threat of life.
- And yet there will be gossip," Ursula sighed, "but about you...
Madeleine turned around and noticed the dissatisfied looks of the ladies at the courtiers, who had drilled her back ajar. The air seemed to be hanging over her head with malevolence.
- You can't blame me for the dance!
- You've danced only with princes before and earned the title of "frivolous princess" is justified. But add to it a dance with the famous for its detachment Kitsiliyu and, voila, get from them a new title of "mistress of the general"!
- Oh, I knew it was bad to talk! And that's my punishment," Madeleine was upset. The vulgar glance revealed a familiar personality among the guests and immediately erupted: - I seem to have found my salvation!