In the realization of the garden we often think of plants, species to be inserted, exposure of the different areas and their irrigation, both classic and fundamental aspects in the creation of a green space. However, as all the most experienced enthusiasts of our site know, the details in gardening (and in the garden) make the difference, and there are construction details that can give the touch of grace, which can be the icing on a garden cake well done.
We are talking about even small construction details that can improve the appearance of the garden as a whole, giving a touch of design and originality to our greenery and to the home. We are talking about flower beds, decorative elements, special inert materials that help to achieve a spectacular result and to enrich the appearance of the garden.
The walkways are indispensable in the garden to reach its different areas without treading on the grass. There are thousands of solutions to create walkways and there are many creative ways to install these elements in the garden, but often the materials we see are always the same. Today we therefore want to bring you some original examples that will make you think of a new way of designing the garden and maybe, why not, will push you to make some changes in your garden.
Let's start from the classic
To start we start from a timeless classic: the brick driveway. Of brick paths, or rectangular stones, they have been seen everywhere and of all kinds. From the most sad and banal paths to the strangest ones. It takes very little to make a beautiful brick driveway, just avoid the too geometric shapes and look for the sinuosity, always trying to lighten the visual impact and connect the different elements in the most natural way possible, using curves, soft and soft lines to connect the different elements of the garden. In this photo you see a classic and very "normal" example of driveway but not for this ugly or too simple.
Material recovery
driveway with tires Very many are the examples of creative recovery and the miniblogs on DIY and creative gardening sprout like mushrooms online. Many are the materials that are recovered, one above all, a material that we can hardly see anymore, are the pallets.
The pallets, with a little imagination, are used for many different purposes, from the creation of vertical gardens, to flower beds to walkways. Another material that has always been widely used is spent car tires. As in the example shown in the photo, the tires can be used to decorate paths and walkways in an original way.
Whole as in this example, or cut in a semicircle, the rubbers, if well inserted in the garden context, can give a very particular effect.
Driveway with wooden planks
Changing gender and materials, in a rustic house where the materials are mainly of natural origin such as stone and wood, an excellent solution can be a driveway with wooden planks. As shown in the photo, an old wooden plank possibly made of resistant wood such as larch, chestnut or very resistant teak, can be cut into pieces to form the walkway.
The wood is combined in an excellent way with other natural materials such as the stones and pebbles you see in this photo. The cost of a driveway of this type is really limited if you use river stones and old boards but the result will certainly be excellent.
Driveway with logs
Always keeping in mind natural materials and wood, here is another interesting solution for those who often have to deal with trees, chainsaws and logs: build a path with underground logs. Obviously these are small sections of maximum 10 centimeters of trunk, because otherwise burying a log would be a huge effort, but a few centimeters are enough to give stability to these trunks and create a beautiful driveway. Try to prepare materials of different sizes to create a graceful and homogeneous effect by alternating the logs of different sizes.
5 ideas for your garden path: Create the path with the mold
Finally, here is a practical idea that lends itself to many imaginative customizations, the mold to create the driveway. Thanks to this mold it will be possible to realize many different types of paths with materials ranging from cement to gravel of different colors up to the stones.