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Menstruation delays affecting pregnancy, these methods to help

  • I believe that menstrual delay is a problem that many women will encounter. It is normal for menstruation to be postponed for a day or two, but it will take too much attention if it is postponed for a long time, especially for women who need to be pregnant. Today we will talk about those things about postponement of menstruation.
  • First, delayed menstruation will affect pregnancy
  • If the menstruation is postponed for too long, it will affect the pregnancy of women. Although this is not a decisive factor, the delay in menstruation is related to ovarian and endocrine, so the reason for delayed menstruation may be due to ovarian and endocrine problems. If menstruation is often postponed, it is difficult to calculate the ovulation date, so it is difficult to prepare accordingly. In the case of delayed menstruation, it is necessary to consider whether any external factors affect your own menstrual period. If not, then you should see if there is any problem in your body.
Second, the cause of delayed menstruation

1, the use of contraceptives

Contraceptives can affect the secretion of hormones, and changes in hormones will affect the normal arrival of menstruation.

2, physical illness


If a woman has some gynecological diseases, it is also very prone to menstrual delay.

3, eat too little

Some women may eat too little to lose weight. Excessive dieting can easily lead to inadequate nutrition, which can easily lead to delayed menstruation.

4, the pressure is too large

Women's mental well-being, usually too much stress, emotional instability, is also very likely to lead to delayed menstruation.

5, have had a miscarriage experience

The flow of people is very harmful to women, especially in the case of women who do not have proper care after surgery, which may also delay the menstrual period.

  • Third, the menstrual period is not coming, these methods to help

1, high-fiber substances to help

It is estimated that many women will not only experience delayed menstruation, but also experience more blood flow. When this happens, it is recommended that women eat more high-fiber, such as raisins, red dates and the like.

2, sweets and strong tea should be less touched

Generally speaking, foods with higher sugar content, such as candy, chocolate and other sweets, are best not to touch. Such foods are likely to cause women's blood sugar to rise, while strong tea is more likely to affect women's mood, making women feel uneasy, which is likely to cause menstrual delay.

3, high protein substances should eat more

Women's nutritional supplements are indispensable, especially for protein and high-fiber foods. Foods such as eggs and soy products are recommended for mothers to eat more, usually eat more fruits and vegetables.

4, reasonable medication adustment

Many times, the reasons for delaying menstruation are complicated, so you can go to the hospital to diagnose and take some medicine under the guidance of a doctor.

Most modern mothers take pregnancy very seriously. We know what we can and cannot do, we know about all the analyzes and studies that will torment us for the long 9 months, we also know about the dangers that lie ahead of us on this path. And therefore, our beloved pets during pregnancy or its planning become an additional reason for worries.

On the one hand, there are risks to the health of mothers and babies, and on the other, an animal for most of us almost as a family member, especially if there are no children. How can you part with it? In addition, not everyone has relatives who are willing to shelter the animal during pregnancy. Throw it out onto the street!
So it’s better to pull yourself together, to really assess the risks and how to avoid them.
In the Middle Ages, the first birth after 20 years was considered to be late, and a 30-year-old woman was considered an elderly venerable matron. Of course, the life expectancy in antiquity and the Middle Ages was much less.
But in general, such a problem as too late birth, practically at all times until the 20th century did not exist. After all, if the beginning of the childbearing period depended on the age of marriage, then a married woman gave birth as much to such an age as God allows to become pregnant and bear. There was no choice, there was no abortion, and there was only one means of protection, but a radical one - you do not want to give birth anymore, stop having sex. Recall Gone With the Wind, where this is exactly how the problem of unwanted pregnancies was solved.