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Рома Карасев

Part III. No fear

So, gentlemen,” I look around the huge hall with a ring-shaped table in the centre, at which the rulers of the magical part of our world are sitting. Moreover, the real rulers, and not those who consider themselves as such. A week ago, a cut-off ritual was performed, and now all those who decided to leave their native World to their own devices are no longer with us. This means that those who value their homeland, investing in this word something a little more than a country or a race, have gathered here. So you acknowledge that you intentionally distorted the information provided initially? Asked the thin tall old man with an absolutely bald head gloomyly, who was adorned with a thin crown with long, spiky-like teeth.

“We have not distorted the information in any way, Prince Koschey,” I reply with a direct look to the ancient Lich, who has long acquired the prefix “demi” and who at last managed to push the Ural Magi out of their long hibernation. We simply stated in plain text that saving the world itself would require tremendous efforts and costs of both resources and manpower. Then they provided information about the originally developed version. Which after the summit was deemed unsuitable for current needs.

“Squire,” said Chakhlyk the Undead. However, there was no discontent in his voice. He opened the abscess, and after that he cleaned it out. So much so that this rot itself believed that it had deceived everyone. Hello!
I glanced around the mages and magical creatures here.
Many of them, being the rulers of their clans, races, countries, were also the strongest representatives of their formations. And that means their life span was measured not just in decades, but in centuries. And they quite approved the similar approach.
Those same units that could not boast of appropriate upbringing and a world-view formed under the influence of epochs, either remained silent, or nevertheless for the most part completely recognized the need for such measures.

This was told to me by the general emotional background. Still, local magic was more about protecting thoughts, not emotions. And for me as a five-tailed kitsune, who had fully mastered his abilities and did not stop developing, it was quite easy to feel like that. Still, a good illusion, both inspired and created, without the correct emotional message and intensity will be just a dummy.
“Well, glad that many of you understand my motives.” And now I will explain what exactly all of you have to participate in, both personally and with the help of my wards with a wave of my hand I send to the centre of the empty space of the ring-table a matrix of complex illusion. Not a thought dump, but very similar. And now the function will perform the same. This is my recollection of January 15, 1996. And I’ll say right away that for many of you it will be terribly unpleasant from the realization of your own worthlessness and static.
And the spell is fully unfolding.
I don’t have to look and listen to know what they see.
That meeting burns in my memory, as if it had happened just a couple of hours ago. True, still a couple of notes are present there:
Having come for the lady’s hand woven from clubs of the original Darkness, which beckoned me into the Gringots ritual hall, I freeze in the middle of an absolute void, as if I were suddenly thrown into a black hole.

But what is surprising I do not feel fear or even just fright. Rather, the place seems familiar. And these missing memories do not cause negative emotions.
“Well hello child,” a soft female voice rustles, and the Dark is condensed into an elegant female figure with snow-white skin and the same hair to the heels. The eyes on the contrary are two abysses with spirals of galaxies shining in them. There are no clothes on her the very hair hides all the intimate areas. Beautiful appearance, I give out the first thing that comes to mind.
“Thank you, I tried,” she smiles thinly. There is no discontent in the voice. “
Guess who I am?” The Eternal Bride, a slight shrug. This place really has a strange effect on me. No fear. There is no reverence. Only respect and a bit of curiosity. Although the entourage could suggest that the embodiment of Darkness. Clever. In your first meeting, you said the same way a slight smile does not leave her lips. “Maybe you can also tell me the reason I called you here?” Only assumptions.

“Sound it, entertain me,” rather an order than a request. This is not a desire to express dissatisfaction with my actions. Still, you have more patience than anyone else, and therefore could well wait for our meeting for, so to speak, natural reasons. The same thing with the award.
In response, a slight laugh is heard. Well done. Then what is the conclusion? Two options. And most likely the truth is somewhere in between. Either you want me to carry out some task, or to remind you of this, given that we already had a conversation, but because of the rebirth, I don’t remember that. Another option you want to warn or completely besiege from any action.
“Well, you're right,” she said smoothly.
