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Lol Zorkix

Who is responsible for our inner world

Now it is about those who will be responsible for the content of our inner world, and as for me, so propaganda of all that exists in this world, that is, to the religious layer of this society. Although they are "special" in the caste, we will talk about them separately and in detail.

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The hidden corners of consciousness are touched

This topic is very complicated because such hidden corners of our consciousness are hurt here, that is why everyone who encroaches on this area of knowledge is declared a heretic in advance. This is a taboo for the whole period of the present epoch of human existence. I think that by asking a question to any person even a small boy who understands the issues of religious studies (yes, there is such a whole science) to name the names of deities or directions of religions, he will call easily, at least without going into the essence, and knowing it from the school curriculum or acquiring this knowledge from literature or the media (movies, newspapers, television, etc.).

How many people are there...

No one can say how many people exist as a meaningful form, except of course our true creators. All archeological excavations and religious sources name different dates from tens of thousands of years to several hundred million, and they are all right, because the truth does not know anybody and all these eras, no matter what scientific name they carry, were associated with the faith of the creatures called people in something supernatural, divine coming from somewhere from above. And nobody was able to explain the essence of it. At the same time, they gave the highest honors (prayers) to everything that was going on.

No one intervened in the process

No one interfered in this process, and they made the same sounds and conducted a monotonous image of formation within the communities. They were given time to reproduce naturally so that it would be fixed on all future generations on a genetic level, to create new ones did not make sense for the completeness of the experiment. But it will take a long time for you to tell me who owns the time and invented the concept of time, what you want to stop, what you want to do before, what you want to stop, what you want to do, what you don't want to do, what you don't want to do, what you don't want to do, what you don't want to do, what you don't want to do, what you don't want to do, what you don't want to do, what you don't want to do, what you don't want to do, what you don't want to do, what you don't want to do, what you don't want to do, what you don't want to do, what you don't want to do, what you don't want to do, what you don't want to do, what you don't want to do, what you don't want to do, what you don't want to do, what you want to do, and what you want to do......

Perfecting spiritual institutions

With the development of man as a person, it was necessary to improve the institutions of spirituality. It is not good to leave the "shepherds" of the flock unattended. Everything was already prepared for the meeting of a man with a new stage of control, not only physical but also spiritual. For this purpose, in each particular area of residence, there were invented their own religious dogmas and the deities to which they would have to be worshipped accordingly. And, as always, they proceeded from the genetic peculiarities of their product or creation. Some of them got more aggressive religion of Muslims and their God Allah, other neighbors got calmer Christianity led by the Lord God and his son Christ, and others got more aggressive religion of Muslims and their God Allah, other neighbors got calm Christianity led by the Lord God and his son Christ, and the third one got more peaceful in the form of Buddha's teaching, but also denied the teachings of the first two.

The essence is the same - the control of man

So we're not going to list them all, they're all about human control. Remember from recent history how much time was spent on religious rites and holidays. Some people pray five times a day, others visit places of worship at weekends because strangely all holidays fall on weekends. And instead of resting after a week of work, we have to go to the temple and stand there, listening to what no one else has seen, and there is no proof of that, but you have to believe it so that you don't become an outcast of a certain society. Highly educated and specially prepared servants of what is not there, that is, invented deities, on the basis of prepared materials will tell you how to live, eat, drink, work, behave in the family, even how to sleep with your chosen one or vice versa.

The soul has been trapped

Have you heard of such new directions as science that appeared at the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries as psychotherapy, psychoanalysis, psychiatry? What does this have to do with it? Nowadays many people turn to the adherents of these sciences for the explanation of this or that event in their life. At many enterprises, without their visas, you won't start work, and treatment, in case of your deviation from the generally accepted norms and rules at them, for a long time already is enforcedly appointed. Do you think that you have moved away from the control of some people and have become independent? Not at all. Your soul has long been prepared for a different trap and you want it or not, it is already in it.

You will never be allowed to rest spiritually, you will always be controlled. This happens every day with the help of representatives of religion, science, propagandists from newspapers and television, in the cinema and on the radio. You will not hide from them anywhere...