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Old Grass




In fact, history is the most moot science in the world. News regarding the events of the past area unit based mostly solely on the words of eyewitnesses, theories of contemporary historians and also the results of excavations of archaeologists. Thus, at the top of the twentieth century, there were loads of doubt regarding not solely the dependability of some facts, however conjointly regarding the historicity of outstanding persons of the past. nice scientists and historians began to conduct in-depth analysis to prove or negate the existence of some outstanding persons. This movement was summarized by the famed phrase from Gorky"s novel "The lifetime of Klim Samgin": "Was there a boy? I counsel you get accustomed to six historical figures, whose existence is that the most moot.

1. Homer"s question was a legendary Ancient Greek author. Nothing is understood regarding his life, temperament, place of residence, amount of existence. solely the image of a blind previous man WHO wandered the streets and composed songs has survived to our times. possibly, it"s not even a true description, however an author image of the poet. The chronology of Homer"s existence, determined by trendy researchers, brings U. S. A. back to the VIII century before Christ. in keeping with the scholarly person Herodotus (484 BC), the author lived four hundred years before his birth. alternative sources claim that Homer witnessed warfare. The contention close the authorship of the epos and also the Odyssey, and also the existence of Homer himself has fully grown to such Associate in Nursing extent that there"s a theory known as the Homer question. this idea 1st appeared in 1795, once scientists united that the writing of 2 ancient works of literature is split among themselves for hundreds of years. several believe that the "Iliad" and "Odyssey" - the results of collective work, that was solely collected along and recorded within the VI. BC. dialogue regarding the existence of Homer and also the authorship of the "Iliad" and "Odyssey" have arisen as a result of careful analysis texts. the design of the 2 poems is characterized by the oral style of narration, which implies that the songs have long been passed from mouth to mouth and remodeled over the years. laptop analysis unconcealed that constant author had written epos and Odyssey. As a result, scientists believed that Homer solely collected and gave the stories a literary kind. trendy historians argue numerous theories regarding his existence. Some believe that Homer was truly a girl, others - that it"s a cathedral image of many poets-songwriters of the time, alternatives - believe the historicity of the author and even attribute to him the authorship of the many other ancient works.

2. whether or not or to not be? that"s the question! Shakspere could be a world-famous English writer, author of Romeo and Juliet, Hamlet, character and founding father of the world Theatre. In turn, 230 years when his death, began to arise doubts regarding the authorship of his plays and also the existence of playwright, as a writer, in general. there have been theories that behind his mask were activity Viscount St. Albans or another famed writer Christopher Marlo, or Edward American state Vere, seventeenth peer of Oxford. the explanations for doubts area unit quite cheap. First, William was born, lived and died within the settlement of town with a population of 1500 folks, one hundred sixty kilometers from London. there"s no proof that he attended town college. Shakespeare"s folks, his mate and kids were illiterate folks. rather than linguistic communication documents that have survived to the current day, they solely place across. In his works, the writer not solely presents wonderful literary information of the language, however conjointly a deep awareness within the political and lay lifetime of London, and humor information of the history of England. additionally, in keeping with the remaining Shakespeare"s knotty autographs, scientists over that he seldom wrote or was illiterate the least bit. when the death of the writer, no book happiness to playwright, letter or manuscript was found, that looks strange. Moreover, the lexical wordbook of Shakespeare"s works has regarding fifteen, 000 words. At constant time, the interpretation of the Bible is barely five, 000. it"s unlikely that the son of Associate in Nursing illiterate craftsman had such information of English. Scientists, finding out the work of William, found among the graduates of Cambridge guy with the name playwright, WHO is additionally the author of many poems, "Venus and Adonis", "Disgraced Lucrezia. however playwright, whom we all know, failed to even have a faculty education, particularly at university. an added strange reality, in volume and detailed: Shakespeare"s can, there"s no mention in manuscripts, plays, and alternative papers. The writer died while not publication a number of his works, and he failed to write something regarding them in his can either. As a result, there"s no written proof of Shakespeare"s existence as an author. There area unit documents regarding him as a man of affairs and assets capitalist. the sole issue that connects playwright with the arena, it"s the arena shares, that he closely-held.